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   Max And I were driving briefly before we arrived at the airport.
" This surprise vacation requires a plane?"
" Not just any plane. A private jet," Max said.  I guessed he had a private jet. What billionaire doesn't?   We started driving into the airport parking lot but went around to the back.
"Aren't we going to the entrance?"
" Having a private plane requires a private entrance," he said.
" What about our luggage? We still have to check them in!" I hoped that he had everything planned. Otherwise, I would freak out.
" Don't worry. My assistant has already taken care of that."
" Of course they have." Why did I even doubt him? He's a billionaire; he has everything covered. I'm just overreacting.
We parked by his private jet, and I was in awe. The jet was an all-black jet; I had never seen one before, so of course, I would be in love.
"Don't get out yet." Max Said.
" Why?" He never answered me and just walked out of the car, closing the door behind Him. I watched him walk around the car over to my Side. He opened The door for Me and said, " Now you can come out."
" Such a gentlemen." I inched my way to the edge of the seat and stood up out of the car.
" So, Where are we going?"
" If you keep asking, I won't answer until we're there," he said.
" Fine." I hate not knowing things because I get super stressed otherwise.
I started to limp up the stairs of the beautiful jet and into the central part. It was magnificent. The seats had a light brown leather covering that looked elegant with black details, just like the Porsche. Who would've thought? 
   I limped over to one of the seats and slowly descended myself into the padding. I was surprised to find how comfortable I was when I sank into the leather. I was expecting the seats to be comfy, but not this comfy. 
   I heard ruffling from the stairs into the jet And looked up to find Max entering, and immediately looked at me.
" What are you smiling about over there?" he said.
" I was just enjoying how comfortable these seats are. I could sleep here for hours."
" Well, there is that option. Our flight is not long; it's around 6 hours, so you could nap during the flight."
" Six hours?! Where the hell are you taking me?"
" Somewhere where it's paradise."  I was still shocked to hear it would be a six-hour flight, and he called that not too long. But now that I think about it, he must travel a lot for business. It makes sense; business people must keep their fame and money flowing.
" Mr. Sullivan," said one of the pilots. I looked at Max, his relaxed face turning into a stern business face as he strode to the cockpit to address the pilot's concern. I didn't hear much of what they were discussing as I was exhausted.  I started to doze off when Max returned to explain what the pilot said.
" The pilot said there is a severe storm where we are going, so we will stay at my place for tonight and leave in the morning." 
" Okay. Are you sure that's okay? I don't want to intrude." I didn't, but I also didn't want to move from my spot, as I was already falling asleep.
"It's okay, Elizabeth. I invited you."
" Okay. How far away is it?"
" Only 10 minutes. It's not far."
" Okay."  I started to get up from my seat but got up way too fast and hit my head on the cabin area for carry-ons. I was way too tired to deal with this bullshit. I honestly want to sleep.
" Elizabeth, are you okay?"
" Yeah, I'm okay. I just hit my head on that stupid cabin area," I said As I rubbed my head where I bumped it.
" Sometimes it's best to watch what surroundings are around you."
"Haha. Just get me to your house and let me sleep," I said As I heard him chuckle at my sassy remark. When I'm tired, I'm grumpy, which is not a good look for me.
   Max led me to the Porsche again, helping me into the passenger side, and then he got in and drove us to his company building. I was starting to doze off halfway there, and I was so close to deep sleep, but the sound of the engine turning off woke me up.
" Alright, Elizabeth, time to head in." I groaned at his statement, in which he laughed. I did not want to move; I could barely walk. I was so tired. Thank god he parked by the elevator.
Max, of course, got out first, seeing that I wasn't moving, and opened my door. He leaned over my chest to unbuckle my seatbelt and lifted me out of the car. He closed the door with his foot and walked us to the elevator, pressing the arrow going up.
" Okay, you can put me down now. I'm awake."
" You sure? You were not willing to move a few seconds ago."
"I'll be fine,"  I said As Max Set me down in front of the elevator just as the doors opened with a bing sound effect. Max walked in first, and then I made my way inside. It didn't help that my ankle was throbbing inside the cast they put on.  I was using all my energy to endure the pain as The doors closed and started to move up, making a humming sound.
" Are you okay, Elizabeth?" Max asked.
"I'm ok, really." he looked at me like he didn't believe me, but he didn't say anything further.
The elevator dinged open, and I was in awe. The interior of his penthouse was incredible. By this time, it was almost midnight, and I just wanted to go to sleep.
"Where is the bed?" I asked. I didn't have the energy to ooh and ah at all the decorations.
" This way," he said as he came up behind me and picked me up, heading somewhere forward. I hope there's a bed. 
   My eyes closed instantly The second My head landed on his warm chest, and I passed out from exhaustion.

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