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   When I was walking back to the elevator furiously, I realized I never got the name of my new partner. So I decided to ask. 
" What's your name?" 
" My name is Max. Max Sullivan." He replied with such confidence that I had to laugh.
" What's so funny?" he asked.
" Oh, nothing. Just that a man as handsome as you would have such a typical name."
" You think I'm handsome?" he said with a smirk. After what he just said, I had to process my own words.
"No, I never said that."
I thought about saying something else but decided against it. We arrived back at the elevator, waiting again. While we waited, Max decided to keep the conversation going.
" Just admit that you think I'm handsome."
" I'm not doing that because then you'll just use it against me," I said, as I rolled my eyes. And just like that, I severely regretted my words. The next thing I knew, I was pinned against the cold elevator door with my hands above my head, creating an arch in my back.
In a low, deep voice, I heard Max speak.
" So, are you going to admit it? Or are we going to stay like this all night?" He was looking into my dark brown eyes while I was staring into his ocean-blue eyes.
" I think we might have to stay here all night. I'm not the admitting type," I said with a smirk. I knew I shouldn't have said that.
" We'll see about that," he whispered as he leaned in, barely brushing my lips with his. I could feel the heat from his breath on my lips, begging for a taste. I felt his warm hand on my waist, moving down across my hips to my legs. His fingers left a trail of goosebumps full of need wherever they went. I held back a whimper, not letting him win that easily. Suddenly, the door to the elevator opened, and I fell straight back.
Thank God no one was in the elevator because I would've body-slammed them into the floor. Max, however, didn't care if there were people; he still caught me.
We both started to walk into the elaborate elevator with a granite floor. I turned around and pushed the ground floor button as quickly as possible. When I looked over, Max still had a seductive grin while looking at me.
" You have to admit it sometime. I know you want to."
" Not gonna happen," I said with a challenging face despite still blushing. And I could tell he accepted that challenge just by looking at him, and he was ready to win.
A little while after, the doors opened again, and we got out of the elevator; the sexual tension disappeared and was replaced with relaxation while I was walking out of the building, and so was he. But Max ruined that with a funeral question.
" So, when do you want to start planning?"
" I'm not going to help plan anything. That scumbag doesn't even deserve a funeral," I said as I walked to my car with Max following close behind me.
" What did my uncle ever do to you, Ms. I'm too busy," he said sarcastically. I didn't answer him. I couldn't, so I avoided the topic and got in my car. I grabbed my keys, pushed them in the keyhole, turned them to ignition, and started my car. It roared to life, but right before I shifted my car into drive, I saw Max walking up to my window.
I rolled the window down and let him ask the most unexpected question.
" Can I have your number?"
" For what?" I asked with a disgusted tone. I knew it was for planning, but he might have a different reason.
" So I can send you nudes," he joked. I sat in my car motionless and noticed he was joking.
" Fine. But no nudes, or I'll block you."
" That's not a threat, but ok," he said. We exchanged phone numbers, and after that, I shifted my car into drive and sped off, away from everything.

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