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The plane landed reasonably gently but still pretty rough, shaking my whole body briefly.
" Are you ready to see what paradise looks like?" Max said. I nodded, starting to unbuckle my seat belt and stand up. I walked behind Max, looking at the open door, trying to glimpse what it looked like outside.
  I start to squint from the brightness coming through the door. I turned a corner in the plane and walked on the stairs outside.
   I look up and see white, fluffy clouds in the sky with a hint of grey. There is a soft breeze flowing through my hair as I take a deep breath in, smelling the Paris air that is unfamiliar.
  "Well?" Max asked.
" It's beautiful," I said while looking into his ocean-blue eyes that entrapped me in his love.  I follow him down the stairs, watching my feet so I don't trip. I get to the bottom step and look up to see the airport we landed at. The details on the outside were immaculate. It had a round-oval-like exterior framing, with pillars equally apart for stability. Each pillar had two windows stacked on each other, easily looking out at the planes. 
   " Elizabeth." I saw Max standing in front of an all-black limo with tinted windows, holding the back door open.
   " Is that for us?" I asked.
   " Of course it is. Only the best for the most beautiful girl in the world," he said while smiling warmly at me, waiting for me to get in. I blush and look at the ground, not wanting him to know how he affects me.
I walk towards the door, ready to get in, but I find myself not moving. Instead, all I see is a gray mini-van with rust on the bottom speeding towards me in the corner of my eye, and then it goes dark. The last thing I heard was Max screaming my name.
' Where am I?' I thought as my head was throbbing in pain. I think I'm at home, but it smells different; it smells like garbage and mold. Then I remembered Max yelling my name, the limo, the private jet, and packing to leave. I must still be in Paris, the love country. False; I do not feel loved right now. And I don't even know where Max is.
   I heard a door creak open, which sounded oddly familiar. Wait. That creak was the same creak I heard when I was little. When I always expected the worst to happen whenever it opened. When Trey decided he was bored, so he came into my dungeon and tortured me.
"Good morning, sweetheart," he said.
I looked up from where I was lying and looked at the same man I had seen daily for a year.
" Hello, asshole. How was your funeral? I tried to make it boring," I sarcastically replied.
" It was quite fun, but I was disappointed that I didn't see you there," he said with an evil grin.
"You know, it's custom for the creator to attend the funeral," he said before he slapped me hard across my face, causing my cheek to burn in pain.
"Maybe I wasn't feeling well," I hissed.
" Oh, sweetheart, if you weren't feeling well, you wouldn't be here with that fuck boy." He wasn't wrong, but that still doesn't give him the power to look into my life.
" Max is not a fuck boy. He is more of a man than you'll ever be," I argued.
" Max. That's his name, what an odd name for a bachelor with billions," he said. I scoffed under my breath, but before I could look up, he kicked me in my ribs. Ouch. I hunched over in pain, feeling the bruise, getting ready to show.
" How does that feel, little brat? When I come back, you better have manners." I just stayed hunched over, not moving an inch. I knew if I moved, he would kick me again.
" Look at me," he ordered. I stayed where I was, not wanting to listen to him.
" I said, look at me, you bitch!" he shouted and kicked me again in the same spot. This time, I looked up, wincing in pain from moving.
" Now, was that so hard?"
" Not for me, but for you, it is. You can't control your anger. It would help if you worked on your manners, not me," I said. I knew that would make him angry again, but I didn't care.
"What did you just say to me?" He asked.
"You heard me. Or are you deaf as well?"
He kicked me again in the same spot, but this time, I heard a cracking noise. That is never good.
"URGH," I said, hissing in pain.
"That's what you get bitch," he said as he stormed out, closing the door behind him and locking it.
I wasn't chained to the wall this time, thank god. I looked around while I was still hunched over. There was no food or a water bowl, so I was left with the mold and dust: the best time to sleep and daydream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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