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Max and I arrived at Abby's apartment a few minutes later. We were only a few minutes away, thank god.
"I would stay here if I were you," I told Max as I exited the car and closed the door.
  I limped to the front door, opened it, and saw Abby doing some paperwork, which looked to be a cooking recipe, on the countertop.
"Hey, Abby." I knew she would be excited to see me. She probably got a call from the doctor that I was in the hospital because she was one of my emergency contacts.
"Elizabeth! Are you ok? You look ok." She came running up to me, hugging me as tightly as possible. Then she let go and looked me up and down for any scratches.
"I'm ok. It's just a broken ankle. I need to grab some clothes from my closet. Would you mind helping me?" I asked her politely, but she just gave me a confused expression.
"Why do you need clothes? Aren't you going to rest here?"
"No. I'm going on a little vacation."  I knew she wasn't going to take this too well.
"Last time you went on vacation alone, you never returned until a year later. And you looked terrible," she said.
"I won't be alone this time. Max is taking me," and at that comment, she froze.
" You're going with who?"
"With Max."
"Max Sullivan, max?"
"Yes." I saw the confusion on her face turn into joy and excitement.
"Oh! Have you guys kissed yet? Had sex?"
"No, ABBY! He's just trying to get my mind off everything. He and I both have been through a lot recently."
"Sure... Can I at least pack you some panties?"
"NO."  Abby can be so horny sometimes. Yes, she figured out that I was going on vacation with the hottest, most affluent, youngest billionaire in the world. I just thought of it as going on holiday with a friend.
We headed to my part of the apartment and started going through my closet. I began to tell her that I needed at least ten shirts and pants because I didn't know when I was going to get back. I also needed a few pairs of pajamas and lingerie.
"How long are you going to be gone?"
"I have no idea. He hasn't even told me where we're going." Suddenly, I heard the front door open and then close. I heard heavy footsteps on the carpeting and knew exactly who it was.
"Elizabeth, we must leave soon to get there before tomorrow." Then, in a flash of lightning, I saw Abby get up and bolt for the door towards Max. I told him to stay in the car, and he'll regret it.
   "Oh My God. Are you Max Sullivan? God. You're way more handsome than the photos. They don't do justice!" Abby was going crazy. I needed to lock her in a bedroom or something.
"Thank you for the compliments, but I must find Ms. Elizabeth."
"I'm in here. Trying to pack by myself." I heard the giant footsteps coming closer to the bedroom. A few seconds passed, and I saw Max standing in the doorway of my room. I was trying to reach for my walking shoes on the top shelf when Max looked at me.
"Need some help?"
"I can get it. I'm just a little short." I step onto a little ledge of the bottom shelves and reach up again, trying to grab them.
"You're gonna hurt yourself."
"How can I hurt myself further? I'm only using my good foot." That's when I felt my foot slip and almost hit my head on my desk. Thankfully, Max was watching me intently and rushed over to me. He caught me in his arms and looked at me with one of his stupid smirks.
"I told you," he said.
"I didn't hurt myself, so you can't say that."
"But you almost did."
"Just put me back down so I can continue packing," I asked him nicely, but he just turned around and walked while carrying me out of the room.
"I can walk on my own." He didn't answer. When we walked past Abby, she looked like she wanted to take a picture of us.
"Ms. Abby?"
"Would you please finish packing for Ms. Elizabeth and hand it to me outside once you're done? Thank you."
"You can't just boss her around like one of your assistants!" I said. He doesn't have the right. She is my best friend and deserves at least a reward or something.
"No, Elizabeth. It's fine." She turned around and left while giggling. I knew she would pack something that I told her not to pack. She was Abby; that's what she does.
"Put me down!" I said while he walked out of the house to the car.
"I'm not putting you down until you're in the car with a seatbelt on."
"Unbelievable." He approached the car's passenger side and opened the door while holding me. If that wasn't talent, I don't know what is.  He walked around the door, set me in the seat, and started to reach over with the seatbelt. He latched it by my side, lightly grazing my thigh with his fingers. Then I noticed how close we were and just stared at him. He did the same until Abby came out with a suitcase.
"So where are you taking her?"
"Somewhere I think she'll like."
"Just promise me she'll come back..." I saw Abby tear up, knowing my disappearance was harrowing for her.
"I promise." And with that, Max got in the car. He turned it on, put it in reverse, and drove off.
"So where are we going?" I asked
"You'll see."  Ugh. I wish he would tell me. I hate not knowing what's going on.

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