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I walked into my best friend's apartment and smelt the chocolatey odor of brownies. Then I knew that Abby was home.
   "Welcome back, grumpy," Abby said.
" I'm not grumpy. I'm just tired. I didn't get much sleep last night," I said.
" Still grumpy."
   I love Abby's personality. She doesn't take any shit from anyone. That's why we're friends.
   "I need your help. I'm not much of a decorator, and I was assigned to provide decor for a fucking funeral for my uncle's friend. Can you send all of your ideas to Max Sullivan? Thanks." I said. While saying that, I lay on the red velvet couch that was so uncomfortable. It was like a rock.
   Abby was making a bunch of noise but stopped when I said HIS name.
" What did you say his name was?"  That comment was when I started to sit up from the couch.
   " His name is Max Sullivan. Does it matter? He's just another snot that I don't like," I said. I could've taken a picture of Abby's face. It was hilarious to look at.
    " You did not just say that. You don't even know who Max Sullivan is?! Max Sullivan is the hottest man alive and is the CEO of the most famous law firm in the world. He's the youngest bachelor billionaire, like ever," she exclaimed.
    I didn't know he was that famous. His image right now doesn't change the way I see him. He is more of a snot now. Full of money.  And with that, I didn't want to hear about this Max anymore. So I left by saying,
"Please send your ideas to Mr. Max Sullivan." And I went, walking to my room.
    I walked over to my bed, and the second my head hit the pillow, I passed out.  Then, the nightmare started to form.
   I reached for the nightmare, letting it play through.
   I was in a dark room. My eyesight was separated by rusty metal bars. Then, I finally realized that I was in a cell. 'Not this again. I need to get out of here.' I thought as I started scurrying around, trying to find an escape route.  
" What do you think you're doing?!" I heard the low, deep voice of a man and froze. I thought to myself,
' Not him. He can't touch me or hurt me. It's not real.' The next thing I saw was a man walking to the door, unlatching it, and marching towards me. Then, a baseball bat hit my head, and I blacked out.
   I woke up being shaken by Abby.
" WAKE UP! I know you can do it, Liz."
" I'm awake! I'm awake," I said, frustratingly.
"What is going on with you? Almost every week, you have a nightmare about something. It must be pretty bad because you are always screaming. Ever since you came back from vacation when you were 14, you've been different," she said.
   One thing I didn't tell my best friend was that I never went on a vacation. I went missing for a year, and it was a nightmare.  
   I had to respond to her so she wouldn't freak out. 
" A lot can happen in a year on vacation." Then I got up to drink some wine, leaving Abby sitting on my bed.

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