Getting away

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Max walks over to the elevator in his penthouse and pushes the down arrow. I limp over to him, waiting, and stand next to him in my dark blue jacket that I put on. I didn't feel like getting a cold from the breeze. While standing there, I felt His gaze on me, so I looked up and saw his ocean-blue eyes staring at me.
" Do I have something on my face?" I asked.
" No, why do you ask?"
" You were staring at me. Just figured I'd ask."
" I'm staring At the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," he said. He must be joking; there are more pretty women than me.
The elevator doors opened, and I walked in first as he followed After me. He pressed the button that said one on it, making the doors close again.
" I don't think so."
"No one has told you how beautiful you are?"
" No, they haven't because I'm not beautiful."
" Then my goal is to remind you repeatedly how beautiful you are." I could feel my cheeks start to blush when he said that. No one has ever said that to me before, not since my parents died, but I'm not going to let him win that easily.
" Good luck with that," I said As I looked away, instead at the elevator's wall. I've always thought that I was ugly my entire life. If he can make up all those years, I'd be impressed.
The rest of the elevator ride was silent but not awkward. It was nice to hear quiet for a little bit. Then, a few seconds passed, the elevator made a dinging noise, and the doors opened. The second we exited the elevator, paparazzi swarmed us, not letting us pass until we answered their questions.
" Mr. Sullivan, Is it true that..."
" Mr. Sullivan, are you having a..."
" Ms. Weston, are you pregnant?"
So many questions all at once, it was suffocating. I just wanted to leave and go to this mysterious place. I didn't want to be on the news, but Max tried his best to ignore them.
" No comment," he said.
" Is it true that Mr. Bradshaw is suing you for destroying his family Name?"
" If you want an answer about Mr. Bradshaw, you can talk to him yourself. He's right behind you." I watched as they all turned around and created a stampede Of flashes and questions toward my uncle.
"Let's get out of here, yeah?" Max said.
" Yes, please." Thank god that was over. I followed Max out of the company's doors and onto the sidewalk. Many people were hustling on the sidewalk, traveling to their destination.
" Just go with the flow of traffic," Max said. I knew how to walk in big cities. I live in the busiest area.
   We started to walk with other people up the hill. It was hard to keep up with my ankle, but I tried my best. They gave me crutches to use, but I didn't want them.
   Somehow, we got to his Porsche and got In. He held the passenger door open for me as I slowly sat down, then went to the driver's side to get in. Of course, he helped me first; he didn't have a choice; we would've been there longer if he didn't. 
   Max shut his door, turned the car on, shifted to drive, and drove off. We were headed to the same airport as yesterday, but way earlier. It took us a little longer to get there because of the morning traffic, but eventually arrived.
He parked in the same spot, got out first, then helped me. I could barely walk; the hill I had to walk up to get to his Car in the first place irritated me.
   I inched to the edge of the seat and hopped out, landing on my Good foot. I jumped out of the door so Max Could close it.
" Are you ok?" he asked.
" Yeah, I'm good. My ankle is just a little irritated. That's all."
  " Let me carry you. You can get off your ankle for a while."
"It's OK. I can handle it," I said, but Max didn't take no for an answer. He came up to my side, put his arm behind my back and legs, and lifted me, bridal style.
" I told you I was okay."
" And I'm listening to your doctor." I rolled my eyes at his comment. The only time I ever listened to my doctor was when I had an infection on my leg from Trey. That was the only time.
   Max walked to the plane and got to the stairs, looking at me.
" What?"
" Are you okay to walk? The door is only wide enough for one person at a time."
" Yeah. That's okay," I said. Max set Me down gently like I was a newborn baby. I was surprised at how gentle he could be.
" You can go ahead of me. I don't want to slow you down."
"I'll stay behind you if you trip," he said.
" Are you sure? I will probably go pretty slow, and you might have business stuff to do."
" Elizabeth," he said. I looked at him nervously.
  " It's okay. I'll be right behind you."
" Okay," I said As I took my time to the start of the stairs and started My ascend. I took one stair at a time, and I was on the second to last stair when my ankle started to cramp badly. I knelt in pain, shifting my weight to my good food and holding my breath for the pain.
" Elizabeth? What's wrong?"
" I'm okay........ I just need a second," I breathlessly said. I stayed in a crouched position for a good 10 seconds until I slowly stood up again and took a few breaths.
" Alright?" he asked.
" I'm good."
I continued to ascend slowly and finally reached the inside of the Jet. I walked to the same seat I was sitting In before and landed hard on the seat. Thank god they were padded heavily.  I looked up and saw Max enter the Jet and start to talk to the pilot, my guess to make sure we were good on the weather.
" Let me know when you're uncomfortable. I can get a blanket or something," he said As he came over and sat in the seat before me.
" Okay," I said With a small smile.
" These seats are also recliners so that you can get some rest. We'll be at the destination in about 6 hours."
" Thank you," I said.
" Of course." After he replied, I looked around and saw a button on the side of the armrest. I pressed the side farthest from me, and I felt my feet start to rise. It felt nice getting some weight off my feet. I nuzzled into a comfortable position and fell asleep.

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