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I was still in Max's arms when my uncle walked into the hospital room.
" What the hell happened here?"
" Nothing. Elizabeth just had a bad dream." Max said. He knew I wasn't willing to speak.
" Let me guess. You had the same dream you always have every week. You're such a feeble little rat." With that comment, I had to speak for myself. I looked up and said, " Do you know what, uncle? You're the rat. Rats are the only ones who send their family members away for a year." In the corner of my eye, I saw Max look at my uncle in confusion. But my uncle kept talking.
" You know it was for your own good. I sent you away because you needed to be stronger so I could ask you something significant." I was waiting for him to continue until the doctor walked in.
" Am I interrupting something?"
" No, you're not, doctor," I said as happily as possible.
" Good. I just wanted to inform you that you are free to leave. Just ensure you stay off your ankle as much as possible and rest. Have a good day, Ms. Weston." Then, the doctor turned around and left. I looked at my uncle and started to stand up, but I was struggling. Max understood what I was trying to do, grabbed my waist, and helped me. He then put my arm over his large shoulders.
" You were saying, uncle? You wanted to ask me something." While he proceeded to answer, Max put me back on the bed.
" Ah, yes. Because I would like to retire, I would like you to run the business when I leave." I couldn't believe my ears.
' Did he seriously just ask me that?' I thought.
" Get out." I didn't want to look at him anymore. He is a disgrace to my family name.
" Now, Elizabeth, we can-"
" OUT!" He looked at me in surprise, then left but stopped right before the door. He was going to say something but decided against it.
" Is everything alright between you and you're uncle?" Max asked.
"Everything's fine. My uncle and I have a complicated relationship."
" That's not what I heard. Uncles don't just send their nieces on vacation to make them stronger." I knew he was right. And I knew that he needed to know something about it.
" It wasn't a vacation."
" What?"
" It was more like a punishment," I told him. It was just one piece of the puzzle. But at least it was something.
   I needed to change the subject to anything. Something other than my uncle. Then I remembered the funeral.
" Did you finish the funeral decorations?"
" I did. I ended up going to your best friend's apartment. She gave me her address over email, and she helped me with everything."
" That's good. I still can't believe the funeral is tonight. I don't want to go."
" I'll be there, right by your side, so let's hope it won't be too terrible," Max said. I looked at him, and he had this flirtatious smirk on his lips.
" I wish we could just escape this madness," I said while I looked at the sheets.
" We can." Then I looked at him again, confused.
" What do you mean? I can't go anywhere. I'm crippled."
" I'll just stroll you everywhere; I'm not that way. And besides, I'm tired of your uncle telling me what to do." I thought about his idea. Why not? There is nothing here that I need to worry about.
"OK. I'll go."
" I'll help you pack."

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