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   I heard an unlatching noise in front of me, and I opened my eyes. I looked around and Saw concrete walls all around me. I saw the metal door to the room open and then I saw Trey's ugly face.
" Hello, filthy rat. I brought Your weekly rice; you're welcome." I was so hungry. I'm pretty sure the last time I had food was last week. I always get a bowl of Rice once a week; I always kept track of the number of days between each bowl, and it was always 7. That was the only way I could stay sane.
" You need to stop making noise at night. I can't sleep, and if you keep this up, you'll start getting rice once a month," Trey Said as He dropped the bowl of Rice on the floor in front of me. I leaned forward and started scarfing the little pieces like an animal.
" God, you're such a pig," he said. I couldn't grab the bowl with my hands because they were chained to The wall, so of course, I had to eat like an animal.
   Trey stood there, watching me eat rapidly. He watched me every time until I finished.
" Would You like some as well, Trey?" I asked, then spat in his face, landing on his cheek. It looked like a bugger, consisting of chewed-up rice and saliva.
" You're such a fucking bitch," he said as He slapped me across my face. My greasy hair flung to one side as He slapped me, stinging my face.
" You." SLAP
" Are." SLAP
" A." SLAP
"Disappointment." SLAP
Each slap hurt worse than the last, and I was crying at that point, in pain.
" Honestly, Lizzy. I was hoping for more of a struggle," he said.
" I can give you struggle," I said As I straightened my leg And made a half circle with my leg under him, causing him to fall on his back.
  He quickly stood up and kicked me in the ribs, causing a crack sound effect. He cracked one of my ribs; I didn't know he was That strong.
He then did something very unexpected; his knee made a powerful impact on my face. My head hit The wall behind me extremely hard, and my nose started bleeding, running to my mouth.
" It must be nice tasting the disappointment your family feels because of you," he said, panting, as he turned around and walked out, locking the door.
   I hung my head low, taking a breather.
I looked up again, looking for the water I saved, but saw that I knocked it over, tripping Trey.
'Elizabeth!' Oh great, here he comes again.
'Elizabeth! Wake up, please.'  I heard the door unlatch again and Trey walking toward me again. He kicked me on the other side of my ribs, and the next thing I knew, I saw Trey's fist hit my face, then it went dark.
" Elizabeth!" I open my eyes seeing Max shaking me. I lifted my head off the back of the headrest. I tried to lift my hand to rub my eyes, but I couldn't; I looked down and realized Max Had put a blanket over me.
" Are you ok?" he asked.
" Yeah, I'm ok," I said tiredly.
" You were screaming and crying."
" Sorry."
" Is Everything ok, Elizabeth?" Max said.
" I'm ok. Just a little nightmare."
" But it wasn't just a nightmare. You were screaming and crying for an hour." Was I sleeping for that long? It felt like 30 minutes.  Abby says the same thing. She always tells me that she didn't get sleep because I was screaming for an hour.
" I need to know that you're okay. I need to know if I can stop worrying about you," Max said.
" You worry about me?"
" Yes! God yes. Your best friend told me that you have nightmares once a week, but I didn't know they were this bad. Why do they only happen once a week?"  Because Trey only saw me once a week. The only time I got injured was when Trey came to give me my bowl of Rice.
" I don't know why they happen once a week; they just do," I said.
" If I may ask, what are they about?"
" Nothing important," I said As I looked at my hands that I managed to get out of the blanket.
"It's OK if you don't want to tell me. Just tell me you don't want to talk about it," he said.
" I want to tell you, but I can't. It's too hard to talk about, and you would hate your uncle."  I didn't want Max To hate his uncle; he didn't need my pain in His life.
" Okay," he said. Max walked back to his seat and sat down with a sigh.
" We're here. Make sure to put your seatbelt on."
" Okay," I said As I buckled my seatbelt And looked out the window. The first thing I saw was the Eiffel Tower.
" Are we in Paris?" I asked excitingly.
" We are. Surprise," Max said with a smirk. I could tell he was enjoying himself, looking at me like an excited idiot, which I was.

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