The news

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  We both got to the office doors and opened them to find Mr. Bradshaw sitting in his black leather chair doing papers. " Good afternoon, Sir," I said sarcastically, not surprised to see him doing paperwork.
" That is no good way to say hello to your uncle after three days of not talking," he said as he stood up, walked around his chestnut colored desk, and started walking towards me. There was a reason I hadn't called him in a few days. I was swamped with school and work. I didn't have time for chit-chat about the office. My uncle hugged me, then turned to the man next to me.
" And you met a friend. You must be Mr. Sullivan's nephew he wouldn't shut up about,"he chuckled.
" Yes, that's me," the gentlemen said, shaking hands with my uncle. I, on the other hand, was still registering what my uncle just said. His fucking nephew. I could've puked. This handsome devil was the nephew of the asshole who ruined my life. Unbelievable.
"Elizabeth? Everything ok?" uncle asked. I knew I had to reply; otherwise, he would discover my secret that I told no one about. So, I put on a fake smile and replied,
" I'm ok. Just a bit tired from school."
" That's good. Work hard in school, and you'll be as smart as me!" Of course, my uncle would say that.
"Now. The reason why I called you both here is because of a certain funeral. My best friend, Trey, has passed away, and I knew you both would like to be there. So I saved all the funeral details for you two to agree on." Now, I needed to puke, but I kept a poker face on, trying to act happy to be involved.
" That sounds wonderful, Mr. Bradshaw. It would be my honor to help with the decor for the funeral," replied the nephew of Mr. Asshole.
While I was still puking inside of my head, I noticed that it got quiet around me. I returned to earth, realizing they were looking at me for approval. I wish I didn't have to say anything, but knowing my uncle, he would need a yes or no answer.
" Can't wait to get started!" I replied. Sometimes, you must swallow the puke and keep a straight face on.
Let me tell you one thing, though: there is no chance I was going to help with the funeral.
I started to turn around to leave, but I knew I had to ask when the funeral was, so I looked somewhat interested.
" The funeral is two days from now. It will be at the Rosa Park Resort. It's the perfect place to mourn. The event will start at 4:30 in the afternoon," Uncle said.
" But that's too soon! We won't have everything done by then," I said frantically.
" Well then, get started on that thinking!"
    I couldn't stand my uncle sometimes, but I just walked off, not closing the door. I didn't realize that Trey's nephew was waiting for me.
" So what are we going to do?"
" I don't know yet. But at least we have a location and time."

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