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  I got to my uncle's office doors, pushing then open without knocking.
" Good morning, uncle."
" Good morning, Elizabeth. What are you doing here?" he asked.
" I was in town and got you some pens. I knew you were running low, so I got some for you." I handed them over and started turning around to leave, but he stopped me.
   " Max tells me you're not helping him with the decorations," he said as he rose his head to look at me. I didn't want to deal with this right now. So, I decided to go teenage mode on him.
" For fucking Christ sake. You know I hate this deceased man for my reasons, and you expect me to help set up a funeral and burial ground?! He deserves to rot in hell!" I shouted.
" That is no good way to talk to your uncle. He is my best friend, and you will respect his wishes."  
" You mean your wishes. Don't shit talk me, uncle. I know you two never talked until a week before his death," I said as I took a step toward him.
" You know nothing," he said.
" I know everything! It's just like you were cheating on your wife with my mother."   
" Where did you hear that from?" He asked with a stern look at me.
" You were on a phone call a long time ago when I decided to eavesdrop. I know everything."  
" You don't know shit, Ms. Elizabeth. I Know everything. Including why you were gone a year on 'vacation.' Trey told me all about it before his death. And I quite enjoyed the story," he said with an evil smirk.
" You fucking prick. You enjoyed it?! To listen to the stories of me in pain?! Having blood blind me while trying to escape?! You're a sick bastard. I wish I were never related to you. You're a sick. Fucking. Prick!"  I felt the tears sting my eyes. I tried my best to hold in the pain and tears while I turned around and slammed the doors open, walking out of his office. I thought I loved my uncle. But with what he just said, I had to leave.
    I walked over to the silver elevator, waiting for it to open. It finally opened with a dinging sound, and I was about to walk in when I looked up and saw Max. 
" Elizabeth?" He asked with worry in his eyes. I couldn't explain everything to him, not now. So I decided to run. I started sprinting towards the stairwell, trying to avoid Max.
" Elizabeth! Wait!"  I didn't care anymore. I wanted to get out of this fucking building. If Max saw me like this, he would make me even more angry. So I ran.
    I pushed the doors open, getting to the grain textured stairs. I tried to skip some but miserably failed. My ankle twisted and made me lose my balance. I fell a couple of flights, seething in pain.  My body finally stopped tumbling. I sat there for a bit, but then I screamed in pain and anger. My ankle was broken from falling, and it was excruciating. If that wasn't bad luck, I don't know what is. 
" FUCK!!!!! YOU'RE A FUCKING PRICK, AND YOU KNOW IT!" I shouted. I knew my uncle could hear me. The stairs were right next to his office.
    But then I heard rapid footsteps on the stairs and someone calling my name. I knew I was damned. Then I wasn't as I started to recognize the voice.  " Elizabeth!" Max shouted.
" Down here." I didn't feel like yelling back. I had no energy left. 
" Elizabeth, are you ok?" He asked.
" My ankle is broken, so if you wouldn't mind. I would love to get the hell out of this building and get me to a fucking hospital." Of course, it had to be Max to save the day.

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