Painful plan

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   " If it's nothing, then why are you crying?" Max asked.
" I'm not crying."
" Your face says otherwise," he said. I stopped talking at that point. He didn't have to know my entire past; I didn't want him to. So I turned over on my side and avoided him.
" You can't ignore the topic forever. I know you're hiding the truth. It's fine if you don't want to tell me. But you always shut me out when I mention something about it," he said. I didn't answer him. I lay there, looking at the brown leather chair in front of me. I wanted him to leave, but I also wanted him to stay. Sadly enough, I knew that if he stayed, he would ask more questions.
" Please just stop asking questions. I hide them for a reason because they hurt me in a way that isn't even possible. But for now, we can start the funeral preparations," I said as I turned over and looked at Max, staring down at something. I looked down, seeing that he was looking at my leg, hanging out of the white sheets. But he wasn't just looking at my leg, but one of my biggest scars.
" Where is this from?" Max asked, still looking at my leg.
" Nothing. It's from nothing." I tried to move my leg back to the bed, but I couldn't. Max saw my struggle and wanted to help me.
" I don't need help. I can do it," I said.
" No, you can't. Let me help you." And after a long pause, I finally admitted I needed his assistance.
"... Fine," I said. He lightly grabbed my calf with his warm hands and slid my leg over onto the bed. Before he put the blanket over my leg, he lightly traced my scar with his thumb. I could see the pain and worry that he had for me in his eyes. He placed the blanket on my leg and went to sit in the chair.
We both just stared into space for a little bit until he spoke.
" What happened with you and my uncle?" He asked.
" It's too hard to talk about. I'll start crying if I talk about it. So let's start the funeral decorations."
"Ok." And that's all he said.
" So, what kind of decorations would you like to do for the funeral?" I asked. I was trying not to make it awkward.
"Black. Maybe some flowers and a picture of Trey."
" Well, that's a good start. What about the casket? What kind of casket are we going to use?" I ask.
" Let's do a tan one. His favorite color is tan," he said. We talked a little longer about the funeral until Max decided to leave.
" What about the funeral details? We don't have anything ready," I said. I knew my uncle would be mad if we had nothing ready.
" Don't worry about the decorations or details. I got your friend's email and should be able to handle it. Now, all you have to worry about is resting."
" Ok. Thank you, by the way," I said, feeling awkward.
" For what?"
" For not hovering," I said with a small smile. He was a little confused at first but understood what I was saying. He looked at me with gratitude. 
" You're welcome." And with that, he left for the night, letting me sleep.

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