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(I chose the Season 8 part to continue. I hope it's good)

"Is he all under control?"

Ex's head whirled around to the entrance of the small room, where he found BadTimesWithScar leaning in the doorway. BadTimes's expression seemed unimpressed, like he wasn't surprised that Xisuma had fallen to his evil brother so quickly. Ex only narrowed his eyes at him, knowing something was up.

"What is it now?" Ex hissed, Xisuma just standing next to him with a blank stare.

"Hey, woah! What makes you think I'm here to ask you for something?" BadTimes raised his arms in defense, looking wounded. Ex wasn't convinced by BadTime's horrid attempt at looking innocent.

"Just spit it out." He spat. BadTimes just stared at him for a few moments before heaving a sigh.

"Alright, fine. Since you already have your brother..."

"No." Ex cut his fellow evil-doer off, and BadTimes looked startled.

"But I didn't even finish!" He whined, his mouth curled into a childish pout.

"You were going to ask if we could go after your doppelganger—"

"REPLACEMENT," BadTimes corrected. Ex ignored him.

"And it's not going to happen." Ex finished, glaring over at him.

"But WHYYYYYYYY?!" BadTimes cried, stamping his foot like an upset toddler.

"Because he's constantly surrounded by the other members of Boatem, and if he were to go missing, then his neighbors would most certainly notice." BadTimes only huffed and crossed his arms, refusing to admit that Ex was right. If they took Scar, then his friends would immediately notice that he was gone. Especially Grian or Mumbo. Those three were stuck together like glue.

The three men stood in silence, BadTimes quietly thinking. Which he did very rarely. Ex glanced over at his brother, who had been completely silent for the entirety of the conversation. Xisuma was looking around the small stone room at the top of the tower, his red eyes wandering.

"I HAVE AN IDEA!" BadTimes exclaimed, making both Ex and Xisuma jump. Ex glared over at BadTimes, who looked like he had just discovered the meaning of life.

"Well that's a surprise," Ex grumbled. "Go on. Tell me your most brilliant plan."

. . .
Scar stared down at the empty space where Jellie was supposed to be, feeling utterly lost. He had been out terraforming, and had left his Jellie cat alone in his base. It had never been an issue. Until now. Now his little Jellie was missing, with a note left in her place. Scar shakily reached out and grabbed the small piece of paper that looked like it had been torn off from a bigger sheet. Words were scribbled onto the paper in messy handwriting, which Scar felt like he had seen before.

Hello, dear friend. You are probably wondering where your poor little Jellie has gone. Well, I'm happy to say that she is safe and sound, and she will stay that way only if you do as I say. First, I need you to find the lit nether portal on an island a few hundred blocks south of Boatem. It should be in a cave, against the far wall inside. You'll know the cave when you see it. Your next instructions are in the chest next to the portal. See you soon!

Scar stared at the note for a long time, not knowing what to do. He felt numb. He had a feeling he knew who did this, but at the same time he didn't know. The messy handwriting was so much like his, yet it wasn't quite the same. It was uncanny. But Scar knew he had to get his cat back. He loved her with all of his heart, and he didn't want to tame a replacement.

So, within minutes, Scar was up and away, flying southwards on the search for the portal mentioned in the note.He kept glancing down at the scrap of paper in his scarred hands, hoping, by some miracle, that Jellie wasn't far away. But he knew deep down that he was probably in for a long goose chase.

He flew in silence, stuck in thought, as trees and bushes passed below him in a green blur. He was so deep in his own mind that he almost missed a cave carved out into the cliffside, with the distinct purple glow of a nether portal coming from within. Scar, having flown past it, turned on a dime and dove for it, banking upwards to land safely once he was close to the ground.

He crept into the small hollow in the rock, a small nether portal set far back in the cave. Scar had a bad feeling deep in his stomach, but he knew that he would find Jellie if he just pushed past his fear. So, against his gut feeling, he advanced towards the chest that was set beside the portal.

Scar reached for the handle on the lid, flipping the chest open. Inside, at the bottom of the container, was another small note with Jellie's collar set beside it. His vision started to blur as he reached down and pulled out the collar, holding it close to his chest for a moment before grabbing the note. The feeling in his gut worsened when he took the piece of paper into his hands, staring at the words written in the same messy handwriting.

Hello again, dear friend! You found the cave! Congratulations! Now, for the next step, you just need to relax.

He got chills as he read, and as he finished, he could see red mist creeping up beside him in his peripherals. Scar inhaled sharply and whipped his head around, staring up at his evil counterpart as he loomed over him.

"..You.." Scar started, but BadTimes cut him off by knocking him to the ground and kneeling beside him, putting a hand over Scar's mouth.

"You aren't very relaxed, you know. There are consequences for not following instructions. I'm disappointed," BadTimes growled. Scar looked up at him, fear consuming him. But he couldn't say a word. BadTimes only cackled, the maniacal laughter echoing off of the stone walls.

"Oh, this is amusing. Seeing my replacement so helpless, completely at my mercy, is a sight to see! But,I can't have fun with you. We need you. So just relax, my friend. You'll be feeling better in no time."

Tears leaked from Scar's eyes as the fog started shrouding his vision, practically draining him of his energy. He could feel himself relaxing against his will, his mind going blank as he started to slip under. His grip on Jellie's collar loosened and the strip of fabric fell onto the cold stone floor, the metal tag making a small sound as it hit the floor.

BadTimes smiled as Scar slipped away, his eyes closing and body going limp. He gently lifted Scar's body into his arms, an evil grin spreading across his face.

"Goodnight, old friend."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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