•Chapter 17•

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Dear Gato

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Dear Gato

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Italic: Highlighted mention

After the little hangout with my brother and Lesser Lord Kusanali, I felt that my legs and arms are sore as if my muscles were gone.

Now, I'm walking back to America's mansion. The breeze was colder than before, meaning that the night is soon to come.

"How tiring.." I muttered to myself in Inazuman. It was quite a quiet and peaceful walk, as the only sounds going through my ears are my footsteps on the ground.

I took notice of my surroundings, my eyes landing on a direction not quite far. I saw a forest, which was quite massive. I felt the urge to go and explore, but my arms and legs were longing for rest.

My body was contemplating whether to rest or explore. But soon, curiousity took over me and I decided to explore the forest. I turned towards the direction of the forest, before heading there.

Upon entering it, I was greeted by the calming atmosphere it had. It was quite dark, but it's what makes it soothing. I feel relaxed, my muscles felt alive again.

I look around my surroundings, taking in mother nature's beauty with amazement. It gave me a sense of familiarity, as if it was Teyvat's forests.

I could hear many critters passing by, probably preparing for the evening. "This world ain't so bad." I thought to myself.

As I was walking, I noticed a cat strolling through the forest. Though, it wasn't a normal wild cat, I could see it wore a.. Hat? Maybe someone's pet cat got loose and ran into the forest? I don't know.

I decided to follow the cat deeper into the forest. I didn't know where it is going to, but I just followed cause ei was curious.

Soon enough, the cat stopped walking, resulting me to also stop. In front of it was a wide area, filled with many flowers. I hear a whistle going through my ears and I saw the cat's ears perk up.

It ran up to the source of the whistle, and my gaze followed it. I saw the cat jumping onto a man's shoulder, rubbing it's head on the side of the man's head.

The man chuckled slightly, petting the cat by it's chin as it released a purr. I watched them in silence, hoping the man wouldn't notice my presence. But soon, the man acknowledged my presence and looked towards me with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh? It seems we have a visitor." He said, smiling towards me. He had a familiar accent.. It sounded.. Uh, Spanish? Or is it Portuguese? I don't know, I mostly confuse those two languages together.

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