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~Living hell by Bella poarch

Chavi's pov:
I was coming back to my office after doing the round when I saw some crowd in the lobby area. The hospital staff seemed to be in haste. I went to see what had happened and why are they in such hurry. I was not able to see who it was as there were too many staff members surrounding the patient. I asked a nurse beside me,
"What happened here?"
She turned to look at me and then saw the dr. written on my name plate. Not many people recognize me here as I am new. She answered my question,
"He was shot. Someone attacked him. The staff is bringing the stretcher for him, mam."
I nodded my head and made my way to the front and was shocked to see the person in front of me. I felt my hands getting numb. The sight of him covered in blood made my stomach twist in really bad way. Memories began to flood my vision. No! I have to control myself. This isn't time for me to let my emotion overpower me. I somehow managed to say,

"Abhimanyu bhai!" He groaned in pain but lifted his head to look at me. He gave a feeble smile to me. He had blood gushing out of his shoulder. His white shirt was completely messed with blood. I went to him and held his shoulder with a towel to stop the blood flow.
"What are you all doing? Get stretcher here and shift him to opertion theatre, right now." I scolded them with an anger clearly visible in my  voice.
"All the theatre are being used for the surgery, mam. The one empty is for dr. Priya mam's surgery. She has told us not to let anyone use the theatre. " One of the nurse replied.
"I swear you won't like what's coming for you all if anything happens to him. You all will have bigger concern than that doctor." Randhir said coming toward us with anger clearly visible on his face.
They all were shocked to see the king of Rajasthan standing there in the hospital. No one would dare to disobey his words if they love their life.

Soon everyone was moving and he was taken to operation theatre. I had to be there during the surgery as there were chance of complication as the bullet was not in shoulder accurately. There could also be damage to other parts so he needs to be diagnosed properly and completely. I won't take any chances with him.
Soon after one and half hour his surgery was done and thank god there was no other risk.
I came out of theatre and found my two other brother there with arya, massi, badi ma and bada papa. They all seemed really worried. I assured them all, that, he is alright and will be shifted to other room soon. They can see him after sometime as he is still under the effect of anaesthesia. I talked for some more time with massi and badi ma and then went to change my clothes.
After changing my clothes I came to park beside hospital. Arya and my other two brother were also with me. They all had their face held down with guilt while mine was full of rage.

"None of you thought of telling me about this before." I said through clenched teeths.
"We are sorry, okay. I know we should have told you but... "
"Then why didn't any of you did! Do you have any idea what I was feeling when I saw him there like that... " I couldn't continue futher as my throat closed with all the pent up emotion inside me. It was getting difficult for me to speak.
How can they do this with me and Arya too. She didn't care to inform me for once about this mess. What if we would have lost him really.
"I want all the information about this bastard. I'm going to destroy him." I said with determination in my voice.
"But first I need to fix the people of this hospital." I left the park and entered hospital.
The show was already going on. I found that dr. fool making fuss about how can they let me use the theatre when it was reserved for her surgery and she had to postpone it for later. She continued to speak dirt about me and everyone present there.

After looking at her speaking shit like that about everyone I've realised on thing, she is not even worthy of being degraded by me.
I took a deep breath to control my emotion and tried calming myself down. I need to cool myself down so I won't do anything rash.
I was ready to leave when she said something which struck like a knife inside me.
"What had I expected from likes of her, afterall? How can an orphan like her know manners?"
I closed my eyes and started to count until 10 to relax but seems like my mind is not ready to let go this time because next second I had twisted her hand behind her back and her face was on the table. Her face was morphed into pained expressions.
I saw the nurse coming to pull me away from her but I gave her a look and she stopped in her place.
I held her back to my level and going close down to her ear I whispered,
"You are better not knowing how ill mannered, I can be. Because I'm like a ocean. Beautiful until calm but when raging I'll destroy anyone who come in my path. It will be good for you. If you stay in your limit and better not cross the line. I won't be this lenient next time. You better not take my warning lightly otherwise you will be responsible for your doom."
With this I let her hand go which would definitely bruise badly but will be healed in some days.
I walked away from her and came face to face with Randhir who had some different emotion swirling in his eyes. Seems like he saw the whole show.
I had nothing to say to anyone. My hand were itching to do something. My phone suddenly rang and I picked without looking at who it was. We both continued to stare in each other eyes.
The person on the other side gave me the much needed information I wanted. A smirk made it's way on my face and I said,
"Then let his destruction began."
I ended the call and left from there. From the corner of my eyes I saw vihaan bhai standing at the entrance.
I was not in any mood of talking with anyone. I directly went to lift and entered it. All the people in the lobby was looking at me as if they had seen some ghost.
I directly went to the rooftop of hospital. I wanted to sit alone and now I'm thinking about how good my life has been with me. Seems like god loves me way too much.

Hi, guys! This chapter was a little short than my previous one but I thought of writing story from Randhir's pov too. So, I made it a little short and you may get to see story from his pov in next chapter. I will start his pov from their first interaction till now. You will have to wait a little for it.
I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Please, vote and do share you opinion with me through comments. Wish you all a good day!
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Here's a short poetry for you all. It's not mine. I came across it and loved it so, I thought to share with you all.

 I came across it and loved it so, I thought to share with you all

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