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~Song: Royalty by Egzod, Mastero chives and Neoni

Chavi's pov:
We all stopped in our track when we heard a loud bang. One of our guard fell on the ground. He had a blood pooling  around his body.

Next thing I knew was all guards had their guns out. The bullets were flying everywhere. I pushed Arshita, Nandani and yashu inside my car as it was bullet proof. Arya also had her gun out and she was shooting our attackers. I picked a gun from one of the guard and started to shoot our attackers down.

I don't know for how long we kept shooting fires. Arya and I was shotting side by side. Dead bodies were lying om the ground of both our guards and their poeple. I could see yashu and nandani trying to calm arshita down. She was panicking, shit!

I turned when I saw a car approaching us. I recognized the car and a wave of relief washed over me.  Vardhaan bhai and Rana sa was out in an instant followed by backup team.

My attention was toward them when  suddenly Randhir started running toward me and I was pushed back into car with him standing in front of me as a shield. He just saved my life. I hadn't noticed the guy in the back pointing his gun toward me.

I had no time to ask if he was fine or not as bullets were being shot toward us.

Coming out from behind him I pulled the gun strapped in the holster at his side, out and started to shoot our attackers down.

The firing stopped after sometime as most of them were killed while others were captured. 

"Are you okay, chavi?" Randhir asked me while turning back to look at me for any visible sign of injury.

"Yeah, I'm fine-" my sentence was cut in middle when I saw a red stain forming on his white shirt on his arm.

"You are injured!" I said looking at him in his eyes with concern clearly evident on my face.

"It's nothing, much. I'll be fine. You should first get in the car. Its not safe here we have to leave." He answered back while ushering me toward the car.

Arya walked to me and took me in a bone crushing hug. Vardhaan bhai gave me a quick side hug.

Next hour passed in blur as Nandani and yashu both left for their own houses while arshita was also sent back home by Randhir.

She was afraid and both arya and I tried our best to calm her down which did work upto some point.

Me, Arya, Randhir, ranvijay and my three brothers all are right now in my penthouse which is close to hospital. I just liked the view from this penthouse and it was close to hospital too so, I just bought it.

It has four bedroom, a living room with kitchen and a huge balcony along with a pool area.

We are all sitting in the living room. Abhimanyu bhai and Ranvijay is working on their laptop doing something that I don't really understand. 

Meanwhile Vardhaan bhai and Randhir is having discussion about something. Vihaan bhai is talking with someone on phone.

These guys had time only to ask about our well being and next thing I knew was they all were getting to work.

"Any idea who was behind this attack?" Arya asked.
"I do have doubt on few people but we need to be precise before we retaliate." Abhimanyu bhai answered while still working on his laptop.

I felt a burning gaze on my back making me turn to look at them. My eyes locked with those dark black eyes. There was a raw emotion on his face which I couldn't decipher.

My gaze fell on the handkerchief tied to his arm. I furrowed my brows in confusion why haven't he taken care of his wound. How can he be so careless?

Getting up from my place I walked to where he was talking with Vardhaan bhai.

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