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~hothon se chhu lo tum by jagjit singh

It's one of my favourite song. Even though its 90's but still. I love the lyrics of this song. You all should give it a try.
You can enjoy reading the story, guys.

Randhir's pov:
I'm sitting with three jerks, who are my friends. They are just talking about some deep shit which I'm really not interested to know, right now. But I have to be here with them.

I continued to listen to their talk and took a sip of my Scotch. It burned the back of my throat making me feel better. Getting tired with their conversation I gave them my opinion.
"You have threatened him enough. Just kill him, now. Before he steps out of line."
The all just went quiet hearing my response.
I'm not a violent man. Or maybe I'm but I don't kill for personal satisfaction. I just give some people what they deserve. No one gets to go against the king of rajasthan and underworld.
Vardhan looked at me and said,
"I agree with what you are saying but killing him can cause quite some problem for us."
As soon as he had finished my phone rang. I turned my phone to look who has called, it was my secretary. I excused myself from the room and went to take the call.
I was coming back to study after taking the call when someone bumped into me and was about to fall but I pulled her up with my arm around her waist. She had that honey colored skin and those attractive lips which were parted slightly due to breathing heavily.
She had her eyes closed tightly in fear. She opened her eyes slowly when she realised she didn't fall.
And those eyes made my heart skip it's beat. I have never seen such deep, alluring, chocolate brown eyes. They hold so much emotions in them. Deep!  So, deep that I want to drown in them. My eyes moved from her eyes to those rosy lips of her. They looked so inviting and soft as rose petal. My gaze moved a little more down toward her slender fragile neck. I couldn't do anything but think how nice my hands would look holding her. Her chest was moving up and down due to her heavy breathing. Then I looked back in her eyes. She is a true work of art. I really want to keep her only for me.
My thoughts were interrupted by the opening of study door. She quickly composed herself and pulled away from me. I missed her warmth the moment she left me.
It was my three friends they were talking about something but my eyes we're looking at the goddess in front of me.
She left from there with Arya. I quickly pulled myself together and told them to go I'll come after getting my stuff from study room.
They all left from there leaving me to my thoughts. I need to pull myself together I can't be like this.
Taking a deep breath I went downstairs. My eyes collided with her brown ones, again. She quickly averted her eyes from mine and light pink hue covered her skin. I smirked internally at her reaction.
I went to take blessing from uncle and informed them about the party this friday. I left from there after sometime as I had to go back home early. Mom, has been throwing tantrums about me coming late daily.
And it's true these days my enemies have been quite active, so i have to take proper measures for everybody's saftey.
I have been going late home lately and hadn't even spent time with my baby. He will be angry with me too.

I reached home after some time and found mom still waiting for me while everyone else had gone to bed. I looked at my watch and it was 11:30. I groaned internally as now I'll have to listen her complaint about me coming late.
I was about to tell her why I was late but she held her hand in air gesturing me not to say anything.
So, I'm in huge trouble now. She is way too much angry. She went to kitchen and brought food for me. We both didn't speak any words. I picked my plate finishing my dinner and placed it in the sink.
I came back to find her going toward her room. But then she stopped and said without turning back,
"Kanha, has already slept. He was asking for you and said he will sleep only with you, today. But you didn't came back so, he slept in the end asking for you. He is sleeping in your room..."
She took a deep breath and then said with a little hesitation in her voice,
"I know you don't care about what I say anymore but think about him, atleast. He is just a kid. He needs mother love and attention. I dont want to force you but you need to understand too..."
I knew she wanted to say more but didnt. She left from there leaving me with this mess of my mind. I moved my hand through my hair feeling tired. I retired back to my wing in the palace. I entered my room and found my little prince sleeping peacefully. I came back after changing my clothes and got inside the cover with my baby. I covered him properly with quilt. He moved toward me in his sleep and nestled close to my chest. I placed my arm protectively around him and then dirfted to sleep with different thought running through my mind. Most disturbing thought being those chocolate brown eyes.

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