Mafia' s Love # 5

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After somedays

Anne was in the kitchen making lunch and it was her bad luck that today was Sunday so, she has to stay at home because her dad don't like her to go out and enjoy with others . God knows what she has in her faith

Anne pov :
"I always hate this day but it is also good for me i think so , ufff" ........ I look down at my hand which is covered with wounds ....."aishhh, i can't even treat my wounds because I always need to wear Beggy clothes otherwise if anyone gets to see it , it will not be a good thing for me".

Anne got out of her thoughts when she heard her dad calling her angrily .

"Ye-s-s dad" ..... "Get ready for the evening" ..... She looked at her dad with a scary face, she thought maybe he will do something to her .... "B-but w-h-h-y dad" ..,...her dad gland at her ..."can't you do anything without questioning is this so difficult for you" ....."so-orr-y"

In evening:
Anne was in her room and she heard some people were coming into the house. She looked outside the window and there were so many cars and people...." What's happening here ? Who are they?"..... "Welcome sir ! Welcome" ..... Anne's dad said in a joyful way ..."we are not here to waste our time call her".....the man said in a cold voice......"yes sir as you say just wait a minute"......the man nodded and her father went upstairs......"Anne comes downstairs , they are waiting for you"......"waiting for me ? What do you mean ?"......her dad harshly pulled her arm...."I SOLD YOU TO A MAFIA WHO IS KNOWN FOR THE DEMO LORD , now got it let's go"..... till now her eyes were already teary and she was terribly shaking...."n-no d-ad pl- please don't d-d-o th-his pl- pl-ease"......"shut up i already faced a lot of trouble because of you not anymore "....he was shouting at her ......"pl-ease i will do anything but please don't do this to me i am begging you".......he threw her at their feet ...."take her"....she was about run to her father but a man caught her ......"no -no pl-please don't, dad-d ! d-ad ! please stop them please".....she was crying her heart out ....."Sorry my dear daughter but I got 10 million dollars because of you"....."no you are lying"....she shouted...."no my dear for the very first time you did something good for me"...... Her dad started laughing like a psycho and she was broken and nothing was left in life to be lost .

"Sir we got the girl you asked for"......the man spoke in a straight tone...."Good!" ......the other one hung up the call with a short reply.....

"i am waiting for you my little doll"

To be continued

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