Chapter 12 ~ Date at Hocus Latte

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Ashlynn's POV
Back at school, Ashlynn couldn't stop thinking about Hunter. Isn't he just adorbs when he comforted her in the Enchanted Forest? And he also tried to protect her from a 'wolf'. Ashlynn giggled at the thought.

"Miss Ella, I should hope you aren't building castles in the air during my lesson." Her Majesty, the White Queen remarked.
"After all, you should pay respect to me, Her Majesty."

W...what happened? Oh no! The White Queen was glaring at her! She must have been daydreaming again...
"Sorry, your majesty. I promise I won't do it again."

Suddenly, Briar popped up. "Was that castle spell-tacular?"

"I guess you could say it was off-the-page..." The whole class cracked up at that and started their own pockets of conversation.

Seeing the chaos in the class, the White Queen cleared her throat in order to get the students attention back on her.
"Now where were we..."

After Princessology 101 and a few other classes, the tiring school day was finally over and Ashlynn decided to head back to her dorm since she didn't feel like talking to her friends just yet. Can she even still call them friends? Who knows, maybe they all think the same like Apple and didn't want her to be with Hunter. Heavens! Confusing thoughts about her friendship kept on popping up in her mind as she kept her spellbooks in her locker. She was so cooped up in her thoughts that she didn't see Hunter approaching until he spoke.

"Hey Ashlynn!"

Ashlynn turned around. "Oh hi Hunter! Didn't see you there... What's up?"

"Just wanted to check if you are free after school. If you want, we could hang out at Hocus Latte now."

Ashlynn flushed, "Are...are you asking me out?"

"Y...yes I guess," at this, Hunter looked bashfully at the ground.

Did Hunter just ask me out?! I so can't miss this! Ashlynn slammed her locker door shut. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Hunter looked up from the floor, seeming surprised at Ashlynn's reaction. But he smiled his dreamiest smile as he took Ashlynn's hand in his and they made their way to Book End.

First step into the cafe told Ashlynn that it was one of those quiet times in Hocus Latte. Most of the tables were unoccupied, with only the few residents of Book End who had to have their daily dose of coffee. The atmosphere was so peaceful that the soothing music playing from the speakers could be heard. Ashlynn breathed in and the fragrant whiff of coffee filled her lungs.

Hunter walked over to a table in the corner and signaled for Ashlynn to go over. She smiled and gracefully made her way to the table. After settling down, there was an awkward silence between the two of them, since it was their first date.

"So... What would you like? I'm treating." Hunter broke the silence. He rubbed his hands nervously at the back of his neck. He was blushing as well.

"A strawberry 'n' cream latte would do. Thanks!" Isn't Hunter the cutest?! Ashlynn watched as Hunter went up to the barista and listed out their orders. She took this chance to look around and take in her surroundings. Another couple was seated at the window seats, chatting away. Their looks in their eyes told Ashlynn that in their mind, only the two of them existed. How romantic... Will Hunter and I be the same as them? Or will our destinies break us apart? Just then, Hunter came back with their drinks.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Hunter's words snapped Ashlynn from her thoughts. She shook her head and they continued sipping on their coffee, enjoying each other's company in silence.

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