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Next day

After Marriage

Everyone is enjoying but my eye is stuck on her who serving juice to everyone her Hair keep coming infront her she struggling i chuckles i want to put her hair behind her ear

Aera : " Jungkook-ah Look at me I'm Beautiful right "

I keep ignore her while focusing on my Girl yes i Love her I madly obsessed with her she is drug and I'm addicted to her she walked away i sigh and look at the girl who keep clinging to me I don't love her I will Never love her it's a forced marriage to me i walked away from the hall to balcony

I keep ignore her while focusing on my Girl yes i Love her I madly obsessed with her she is drug and I'm addicted to her she walked away i sigh and look at the girl who keep clinging to me I don't love her I will Never love her it's a forced marri...

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Jimin : " Why are you standing here Aera is standing there alone "

Her name is irritating me i glare at my friend who standing beside me

Jimin : " why are you glaring at me Kook sorry sorry i know it's a force marriage you don't love her but "

Jungkook : " No but hyung leave me alone i need some time alone or else I will go crazy "

I said while messing my hair he smrik and hold my shoulder i look at him i know he is going to dead by my hand if he say anything foolishness

Jimin : " should i send yn here to calm you down "

His words enter my ear a smile form on my lips hearing her name i forget all my worry and stress

Jimin : " Awww look at you smiling "

I shoot him a glare he smiled nervously and Bow at me dramatically i roll my eye

Jungkook : " Hyung if you don't go now i will through you out from balcony "

He gulps hard and left i again look at the sky Suddenly her face come in my mind her sweet smile her rose lips her Bunny teeth

Jungkook : " i will make you mine Baby i don't care about anyone i only want you in my arms "


I enter inside the room and saw her sitting on my bed i aggressively walk towards her she stood up saw me

Jungkook : " Who told you to enter my room "

Her face became pale her smile fade i roll my eye and take a pillow and give her she look at me with confused eye

Jungkook : " Go and sleep on the guest room i don't like anyone sleep on my bed now go "

She take the pillow from me and walk out the room i lock the door and walk towards my bed and lay down

My mind is disturbed i don't saw yn after wedding Where did she gone i mess my hair open the door and went down i secretly enter maid's Rooms i keep looking at the bed name and finally i found it and saw her sleeping i slowly walk towards her and knee down and star at her sleeping figure calm and quite beautiful and cute her pouty lips i felt a desire to kiss her i learn close to her lips about to kiss her she wrap her hand around my neck

Yn : " Don't leave me Bunny "



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