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Yn's pov

I move and look around no one saw us i move back and stand with joy while looking down i can feel his eye on me i keep breathing heavily how can he kiss me like this

Time skips

I was cleaning the garden then i felt someone is behind me i don't turn around because i know who is that my heart beating fast i hear the garden door closing i nervously turn around

Yn : " Prince what are you doing here"

Jungkook : " call me jungkook "

I frown and shake my head as no

Yn : " i can't call you by name Prince "

Jungkook : " It's my order call me my name Kang Yn "

I look at him with my eye widen he walk close to me make me walk backwards he trapp on the wall i look away avoiding his eye

Jungkook : " Look at me Yn-ah "

He cup my cheeks and make me look at him

Jungkook : " i want to----"

Cut him off i hear a knock on the door i push him away look at the door jungkook rub his forehead

Jungkook : " I will go from back door okay "

My heart stop when he kiss my forehead and left from back door i keep standing like a Stone His kiss feel different i shake my head i shouldn't feel like this i quickly went to open the door and saw head maid

Head maid : " yn come With me "

Kim castle

Fernandez : " where is Taehyung "

He shout while all maids and Guards looking down in fear king look really angry

Head maid : " We don't saw Prince taehyung King "

She said while shaking in fear when a maid come and speak

" King A maid also missing "

Fernandez : " what is her name "

" Yumi "

Fernandez : " Guards go and find them and take taehyung and kill that Maid "

Oviya : " No my son will never do this please go and find my son "

Fernandez : " Please don't cry dear We will find him "

Fernandez said and left queen start to cry and maids look at her with a sad face


Taehyung pov

Yumi : " tae I'm scared what if they find us "

Taehyung : " Don't worry I'm with you baby hmmm Tomorrow is our wedding "

Yumi : " T-tae "

She blush the door open jimin come inside

Jimin : " hey Love brids "

Taehyung : " jimin "

Jimin : " don't worry tae Your father is searching for you like a mad man "

He said yumi clench on my shirt i hold her hand to calm her down

Jimin : " After tomorrow no one can Do  anything to you Now rest everything will be okay "

Taehyung : " Thanks jimin "

I hug him and he hug me tightly we both stay in eachother arms for a minute and pull away he give me a beautiful smile

Jimin : " Don't worry Me and jungkook is with you "

Taehyung : " jungkook he know "

Jimin : " yes and he is the one who told me about the wedding thing after wedding they can't separate you both
Okay now sleep you both good night


Hey bunnies





Love you all

𝘙𝘰𝘺𝘢𝘭 𝘖𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯  [𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗸𝗼𝗼𝗸 × 𝗬𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲] ✅Where stories live. Discover now