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Time skips

6 months

Yn baby bump getting bigger moko told her to not work anymore But yn is Stubborn she always help moko And jungkook is trying to find yn very hard he getting depressed But he won't give up on her he love her Alot

Tomorrow is Jungkook taking King position Everyone is happy the whole castle celebrating But jungkook still distrubed and sad about yn Jimin is with him he can't see jungkook like this jimin also trying to find yn

Jungkook's pov

Jimin Standing jungkook He take king position Now he have more power he can do anything he want no one will question him

Queen : " Jungkook Put this Ring on aera finger "

I look at my mother and saw aera shyly looking down i take the ring and hold her hand and remove our wedding ring her eye widen everyone became slient i smriked and through the ring away

Queen : " what did you do this jungkook you know our rules "

Jungkook : " yes mother i know i was waiting for this day You forcefully make me marry this girl Do you know how My father dead huh "

Fernandez : " Yaa jungkook are you playing with my daughter life huh Put the ring on finger "

He said angrily i just laughed turn towards him my smile fade i look at him with my dark eye

Jungkook : " I won't she is nothing to me now Mr kim Fernandez I'm the king here So shut your mouth "

Fernandez : " i will fuckin Kill you if you Hurt my daughter i won't care if you are king or not "

Jungkook : " yes You will kill me just like you did to my father "

I said his eye widen in shock i walk behind him No one know how my father dead but i know the truth now

Jungkook : " You killed my father i know the truth Or do you want proof okay i will give you jimin bring him "

My mother eye widen when she see Mr Simon my father best friend also father Manager he come inside with slow steps Fernandez getting sweating

Jungkook : " Uncle simon Tell the truth "

Simon : " H-he is the on who killed my king T-this Fernandez stabb Him from behind i try to stop him but he also attack me I'm sorry Queen i couldn't save our king "

I see my mother eye became teary i walk towards her and pull in to a hug she sob hard while hugging me i keep rub her back Fernandez about to run away our guards hold him i broke the hug and walk towards Fernandez

Jungkook : " Now tell why did you kill my father huh He always treat you like his own brother Then WHY "

Fernandez : " I'm sorry J-j-jungkook I was blinded by anger John (jungkook father ) became more rich then me it's make me do that I'm sorry jungkook please forgive me "

Jungkook : " your sorry won't bring my father back You don't deserve to live "

I about to take the knife and about to stabb him simon uncle stopped me i stopped and look at him with my teary eye

Simon : " Don't jungkook Your father Won't be happy if you kill this monster Give him the most painful punishment "


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