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Taehyung : " J-jimin "

Jimin : " hey tae why are you crying huh what happen "

I sob more while holding his hand he keep rub my back to calm me down but nothing is working i choke on my tear

Jimin : " Tae stop crying and tell me what happen "

He ask me with serious tone i look at him

Taehyung : " Father fix my marriage with mr jung daughter jimin I don't want to marry her You know that i love yumi "

Jimin nodded while rubbing my back jimin sit beside me and cup my cheeks

Jimin : " Talking with your father is Useless If you want yumi then Run away from here tae "

I look up at him he nodded while put his hand on my hand give me smile

Jimin : " I'm here to help you My boy I can't saw my soulmate Crying Let's go to my place no one will touch you "

Taehyung : " what if father "

Jimin : " He won't find out you are with me tae even if he find out he can't even touch your hair It's my damn promise Taehyung "

Taehyung : " i trust you But i need to Talk with Yumi first she misunderstand me "

Jimin : " Yaa talk and set everything now go and talk to her Tae "

I nodded and run out from my room to saw Yumi

Jungkook's pov

I watching her cleaning my room Floor she keep looking at me and look away when she saw me looking at her

Cute ❤️

I saw her breast Fuck it's getting hard for me to control

Jungkook : " Come here "

She stop and look up at me with a confused face

Jungkook : " come here Yn-ah "

She put the wet clothe down and slowly walk towards me i lose my damn control and pull her towards me she land on my lap safely i wrap my hand around her waist and pull her more closer to me my dick get hard while looking at her I groan when my dick touch her Pussy damn it

I close my eye feeling her against my cock it's pleasuring i grab her ass and bring her more closer to me and start to rub her clothed clit on my hard length i groan when she moan near my ear

Yn : "Ahhh oohh ahh  uhh hhhh"

Jungkook : " Fuck "

I start to move fast i felt her getting weak infront me I know she is a pure i groan and cum i grip her waist tightly she keep breathing heavily her head is resting on my shoulder i caress her back she pull away from my shoulder and look at me her face is red like tomato i learn close to her lips she clench her fit around my collar our lips meet i suck her lower lips and kiss her deeply i felt happy because she don't push me or cry i broke the hug and she stood up from my lap and take the wet clothes and run out from my room i smile at her cuteness


Hey bunnies

Hope you like it ahem

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