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Next morning

Jungkook woke up and don't saw Yn he sigh and went downstair and saw her Arranging the table but his smile fade when he saw aera

Queen : " Come here Jungkook "

I sit beside my mom

Queen : " Jungkook Why are you avoiding aera Can't you see she is hurt "

I roll my eye and continue sipping my coffee

Aera : " Mother please Let him enjoy his breakfast "

Queen : " Look how sweet my daughter in law is Come on jungkook She is your wife And Give me a Baby jungkook or baby aera soon "

I stop eating and Look at Yn who looking down i can see the uneasiness in her face

Jungkook mind : " soon mother soon i will give you a little jungkook or Little Yn "

I thought and smile looking at yn soon i finish my breakfast and wash my hand i about go to my room aera stop me i turn around and look at her

Aera : " Jungkook i want to spend some time with you Please just ----"

I cut her off

Jungkook : " sorry i have a important work "

With that i went towards my room without looking back i enter inside my room and Take a shower i went near mirror and start to fix my hair i saw yn watering flowers a smile play on my lips

Yn's pov

I was watering flowers Then i felt a hand wrapp around my waist I about to shout i hear his giggle i calm down and smile unknowingly
He spin me around i laugh finally he put me down but don't left my waist

Jungkook : " Gud morning baby "

He kiss my cheek i blush and hit his chest he put his hand on his chest acting like hurting make me chuckle

Yn : " Stop acting "

Jungkook : " baby it's really hurting "

He said i roll my eye and look away again watering the flowers ignore him he pout

Jungkook : " Ignoring me "

Yn : " i have work don't disturb me "

I said the he push me on the tree i look at him and saw him looking into my eye i feel shy infornt him
His eye move towards my lips i know what coming next so i grab the water can and pour water on his head he close his eye became of my sudden action i giggle watch him wet fully

Yn : " Don't mess with Me now move "

I push him and about to go he grab my hand and pour water on me too i look at him and saw him smriking
Now we both are wet

// Play " i wanna be yours " //

Yn : " aaah why did you do that "

Jungkook : " You also pour water on me Mrs jeon "

I about to argue but stopped when he call me mrs. Jeon i look at him i don't know words stuck in my throat I can feel my cheek turning red He left the water can and grab my waist and pull me closer to him i gulps hard our nose touch i grab his shoulder

Jungkook : " Baby I love you so much "

Yn : " jungkook I'm just a maid "

Jungkook : " wanna be yours

Yn : " you are married "

Jungkook : " wanna be your "

Yn : " you are a prince "

Jungkook : " Just wanna be yours "

He smash his lips on mine and starts to kiss me more roughly He showing his love in the kiss i kiss him back we both sucking each other lips without Caring about the surrounding

Wanna be yoursss


Hello bunny

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