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Next Morning

I happily Doing my Works then i saw aera coming down with a happy face she look at me and call me i slowly walk towards her

Aera : " Yn I need your help "

Yn : " Yes princess "

Aera : " You know Tomorrow is Jungkook's Birthday i wanna surprise him Can you help me "

Yn : " yes I will help you Princess "

Aera : " okay then come with me "

She drag me with her we stop infront her room My eye widen her room filled with alot Beautiful dresses i couldn't take my eye from those dress i flinch when she call me

Aera : " Yn Select a beautiful Dress for me "

I nodded and look at the dresses one by one and my eye stuck on a pink Dress

Yn : " This dress "

Aera : " Thank you Yn I hope jungkook will like this you know what mother jeon arranging a party today for him I'm so excited I love him alot "

She said with a big smile my heart clenched i nodded and bow at her

Yn : " I'm leaving Princess "

Aera : " okay Yn "

I immediately Left the room went to my room Today is his birthday i totally forget about it i don't have anything to give him i bit my nail I'm feeling something wrong going to happen I don't saw him today i kinda missing him i sigh and went to kitchen

Time skips

Party Time

Everyone is enjoying the party but my eye keep searching for someone Then i see him coming he look around and his eye land on me i feel my heart stopped he smile at me then someone hold his hand and drag him upstairs

Aera : " come on Kook you need to get ready for the party We have to cut the cake together "

She drag him with her i look at him going with her i feel sad i know My heart beating for him but he have a wife who love him with her whole heart i don't wanna be a third wheel 

I keep Serving Everyone drinks then i hear everyone Clapping i look up and saw Jungkook and aera coming down with holding hand i look at him his eye land on me he look away make my heart clench hard

I quickly run from there I hide behind wall and wipe my tear it's so heart breaking i Gulps hard and keep wiping my tear i don't want to cry infront him I peek at them and saw they cutting the cake together everyone enjoying the party and clapping

Queen : HELLO EVERYONE today is my Son birthday his frist birthday with his wife and my Daughter in law kim aera i want the beautiful couple to dance together "

I saw aera draging Jungkook to dance floor they are dancing happily i wipe my tear suddenly joy come towards me and drag me with her

Joy : " here go and give this to Queen "

I nods and walk towards queen who enjoying the couples dance i give her the juice she take it and i about to Then my eye meet his i quickly walked away from there



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𝘙𝘰𝘺𝘢𝘭 𝘖𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯  [𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗸𝗼𝗼𝗸 × 𝗬𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲] ✅Where stories live. Discover now