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Yn's pov

Looking down while crying Holding my bag in my hand My mother also crying I told them everything

Yn : " please forgive me Eomma and appa i know i did a mistake but i can't kill this innocent baby I will go away from here Please don't hate me "

I said They both look at me eomma wipe her tear and look at my father
My appa come towards me and hold my shoulder

Mr wang : " Stop crying Yn-ah you have me and your mother we will take care of you "

I shake my head as no I hold my father hand and kiss his hand and look at him with my teary eye

Yn : " Appa I don't want anyone make fun of you and eomma because of me please don't stop me I made my decision "

I said and walk towards my room while crying i sit on the bed i don't want to see my eomma and appa getting hurt because of me I wipe my tear i will go out of this place so no one will come to disturb me

One week later

I pack my things and went downstair and saw eomma and appa standing outside with a sad yet worried face i walk towards them and hug them

Yn : " Don't Worry i will be okay please don't cry I will write letter I'm going or else i will miss my Train "

They nods while wiping tear i missed and walked away with my heavy heart i don't look back if i did i won't able to go see them crying it's hurts me moree

Time skips


I look around New place new peoples i put a smiled and touch my tummy and walk towards the cafe and saw my Friend she come towards me i smiled and hug her tightly she know everything expect jungkook is my baby's father

Moko : " hey girl You became more beautiful haha come inside naa "

the cafe it's her own cafe she made me sit on the chair and give me a cake and coffee and sit beside me i smiled at her then a boy enter inside he look at me

" moko please Give me a coffee my head hurting like hell "

He said moko roll her eye and left kitchen to bring coffee he sit beside me and smiled at me i smile back and continue drinking my coffee moko come back with coffee

Moko : " oo yn sorry this is my Brother Haru and haru this is my Friend wang Yn "

Haru : " hello beautiful girl "

Moko : " yaa she is elder than you Bastard stop flirting with her also she is pregnant "

Haru look at me with his eye widen i giggled at his reaction Moko roll her eye at her dramatic brother

Haru : " where is your Husband Ynie "

Moko glare at him i look down remember about jungkook what will he doing now I'm sure he will be searching for me like a mad man i sigh deeply haru understand something is wrong so he changed the topic

Haru : " Ynie You must be tired right come let's go home Nonna You go with her i will come after close cafe "

Moko nods and we both left Haru closing the cafe moko's mother and father dead in a accident she living with her brother and grand mother we both reach her house and her grandma Starts to cook for us she show me my room i sit on the bed and take a deep breathe and close my eye a tear Left from my eye

Yn : " please forgive me Koo i know I'm hurting you but it's for your good Aera loves you alot i hope you will forget me and love her but my heart will always beat for you jungkook "


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