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Yn's pov

I enter the castle and went to my room and sit on the bed a tear left from my eye Prince words keep ringing in my head


Jungkook : " Look at my eye Yn "

He grab my shoulder make me look at him i lost in his eye I'm getting weak infront him

Jungkook : " Yn i don't care if you want this or not i just want you only you that's all if i want anything i will get it "

He said and leave my shoulder i immediately run towards castle

Flashback ends

I wipe my tear and close my eye suddenly his face come infront me a small smile formed my lips

Yn : " I miss you Carrot where are you please come nahh i need you Carrot "

I sob loudly he promised me he will come back and take me with him i wipe my tear I'm hurt so hurt

Joy : " Yn-----omg are You crying "

She came i quickly wipe my tear she hold my hand

Joy : " Why are you crying huh again Remember him Ahhh ynie please I'm saying this for your good he won't come yn Start a new life and forget him "

Her words hurts me i cry more she pull me in a tight hug i cry in her arms

Yn : " No joy he promised He will come back to me I will wait for him "

She don't said anything just rub my back i stopped crying and broke the hug and look at her

Joy : " you take rest okay i will go now "

Yn : " no no I'm fine I will come with you "

I stood up and wash my face and we both went towards kitchen to help other maids


Taehyung pov

Taehyung : " why did you call me father "

He look at me

King : " Taehyung Today Jung family will come for dinner And i need to tell you a important news "

Taehyung : " okay Father "

Then my eye went stuck on her i smiled at her she quickly walked away shyly

Taehyung : " i need to go father "

He nods i quickly run out and saw her standing on the stairs i went behind her and grab her waist she jumped a little make me giggled

Yumi : " Aahh prince leave me "

Taehyung : " How many time i have to tell you don't call me Prince just call me tae "

Yumi : " Omg leave me someone will see us "

I chuckles and leave her waist she turn towards me and hugged me i smiled and hug her back

Yumi : " Your heart beating really fast "

Taehyung : " it's because of you baby "

I broke the hug

Yumi : " Stop this and leave me i have work "

She push me and run away i smiled and learn on the wall while smiling like a crazy

Jungkook pov

I was painting then Yn come with a glass of juice i smile after saw her she keep looking down i frown and put the brush down and look at her

Yn : " Prince juice "

I don't said anything she slowly look up she flinch when i pin her on the wall she look at me with shocked expression


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