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Yn's pov

I wipe my sweat and continue cleaning the floor then i felt someone standing behind me i quickly stood up and fix my dress

Jungkook : " It's me "

He smile at me i look down i gulp when he grab my wrist and drag me somewhere

Yn : " Prince please leave my hand someone will see ahh "

He keep drag me enter inside a room and lock the door 

Jungkook : " Yn-ah Don't worry Look at this I bought this for you "

I look at his hand it was a red dress i shake my head

Yn : " No prince i don't want this "

I said but he glare at me make me scared he walk closer to me i walk back my back hit the wall he give me the dress

Jungkook : " Go and wear this now i want to saw you in this dress "

He said and forcefully push me inside bathroom i sigh and look at the mirror and wipe my tear i look at the dress

Yn : " it's really short "

I grip the dress tightly and again look at the mirror i slowly remove my dress and wear the red dress

Yn : " ahh i won't go out with this dress "

Then i hear prince knocking on the door i take a deep breathe and went out while close my eye my breathe became heavy after hear his words

Jungkook : " wow Yn you look beautiful in this dress "

I slowly open my eye and saw prince looking at me with his eye hold something love or lust i don't know i became nervous

Jungkook : " Yn-ahh come here "

I slowly walk towards him he look at me up to down it's make me uncomfortable i clench my fit he sit on the couch

Jungkook : " Sit on my lap "

Yn : " No please I have work leave me prince "

I said but he grab my waist and pull me on his lap i put my hand on his chest to keep distance he grab my hand and tie it with a red clothand make me hug his neck i keep sweating became the closeness

He grab my waist tightly

Jungkook : " it's your punishment for Disobeying me yn never disobey me okay "

He said i nodded immediately because i want to go from here he cup my cheeks and caress it

Jungkook : " I feel Happy when you are in my arms yn-ah it's addicting You making me crazy i wanna do many things to you but I'm controlling it because i don't wanna force you baby "

Yn : " You are forcing me rightnow prince i don't wanna wear this i don't wanna sit your lap "

I said with low sound he chuckles

Jungkook : " Yn it's different thing sitting my lap is different but sex is different "

My breathe stop when he said that No that won't happen i will never let him do that to me I try to get up from his lap but he grip my waist tightly

Yn : " i don't want anything just leave me alone prince you have a wife "

Jungkook : " I said i don't consider her as my wife She is nothing to me "


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