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" Emi "

Yn : " I'm Yn Wang Yn okay see you later I'm going bye bye "

Emi : " bye unnie "

I smiled and walked away haru follow me behind he wad Silent all the time we enter inside grandma isn't home today moko will come late i put my bag on the couch and about to go a hand stopped me

Haru : " Ynie i love you "

I smiled and caress his hair

Yn : " Aww i love you too haru wait here i will come after take a shower"

He stop me again make me look at him again with a smile

Haru : " I love you as a girl ynie not a sister why can't you see my love huh

Yn : " haha stop joking and go and fresh up i will make food for us haru "

Haru : " No i want my answer yn I really Love you please don't call me your freaking brother "

He said i look at him with widen eye what is talking i can't believe what I'm hearing he hold my hand and caress my hand i immediately take my hand back and look at him

Yn : " what are you saying haru Huh emi is your girl friend right how can you feel something like this to me when you have a girlfriend huh "

Haru : " I don't know Yn the first time when i see you my heart is beating like hell your cute face is attracting me towards you more "

Yn : " are you mad huh I'm elder then you also pregnant you shouldn't feel something like this to me it's wrong "

Haru : " why i don't care about age gap yn-ah i love you and about the baby i will take the responsibility "

Enough i close my eye and slap him lightly a tear Left from my eye i remember my jungkook face more tear left from my eye how dare he said this to me i open my eye and look at haru

Yn : " Its my baby i know how to raise my child i don't need your help Also this baby have a father only he have rights on the child no one have the rights to me or my baby What do you think about me huh I will Accpet you Never My heart only beat for one perosn thats my Jungkook i only loves him do you know what is love huh Love is pure and strong First Don't cheat on your partner Emi is a good girl how can you do this to her huh she loves you alot still you hurt her haru if she do this to you what will you do huh I can't even imagine my Boyfriend with another girl it's break my heart into pieces then about about that poor girl she must be hurt and don't come towards me with that intention i still love you as my brother i hope you understand your mistake

I about to go i hear a sobbing sound i close my eye and turn around suddenly haru fell on his knee and starts to cry i sigh deeply and walk towards him and caress his hair

Haru : " I'm sorry Nonna i realized my mistake I'm really sorry please forgive me 

I smiled and nods and make him stand up he wipe his tear like a kid

Yn : " Now go and say sorry to emi "

He nods and left the house immediately i smiled and touch my tummy and close my eye



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