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Yn : " Please enjoy your coffee "

I smiled and  walk towards moko who looking down she is sad i walk towards her She look up at me

Yn : " what happen Moko "

Moko : " hinata isn't answering my calls Yn He never Ignore my call or message "

Yn : " ahh okay don't be sad he must be busy he will call you back don't worry "

Then haru and Emi come i smiled and they run towards me with a bright smile

Emi : " Unnie We slove our problems "

Yn : " Great now Don't fight stay like this always my cuties "

I said they smiled

Haru : " Nonna we are going for a trip are you both coming with us "

He asked we both shake our head they nods and left i don't wanna disturb their moments and moko have plans so we denied

Then someone come and Give flowers to moko make us look eachother with a confused face they just smiled and walked away i look at the flower and saw a letter she read the letter

°°°Sorry baby please forgive me and come outside a surprise is waiting for you °°°

Moko smiled and run outside i also follow her and saw her boyfriend knee down infornt her she smiled

Hinata : " will you marry me moko "

Moko : " ahh yes "

They both hug and he kiss her i smiled at them i remember our kiss that was filled with love and care i smile remember our moments

Yn : " Love you jungkook I know i don't deserve your love I only hurts you I'm really sorry Koo "

Time skips

My delivery date is near moko is now more protective towards me she always stay with me she sleep with me don't make me do any work right now I'm sitting on the couch moko is making lunch for us this 9 months i suffer alot without him i want his hug love kisses i control my mind  i always cry whenever i miss him but i can't do anything he is happy with his wife

Suddenly i felt a Strong pain on my lower stomach Tear coming from my eye Moko run towards me She helped me and talk me hospital i keep crying and streaming it's paining like hell I trying to push but i don't have energy But it's getting more dangerous if i lose my strength so i take deep breathe and push with all my energy

Yn : " Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh "

I yell and i hear my baby crying  a tear left from my eye when i see my baby i feel extreme happiness They give me my baby i smiled through the teary eye i look at my baby who look like jungkook i smile and kiss my baby face

Moko and haru, hinata, emi everyone is here playing with my baby i laying on the bed watching them my baby is just like her father beautiful

Haru : " Yn nonna what will we call her do you have any name for her "

Yn : " yes Jungmi "

Moko : " wow jungmi Baby welcome to our small world "

Yn : " Jeon Jungmi "


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