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Jungkook : " if you forgive me i will help you to get out from here "

I still looking down without saying anything he grab my chin and make me look at him

Jungkook : " Do you want her caught us like this "

I shake my head

Jungkook : " ok then tell me you forgive me "

I bite my lips and slowly nodded my head He cup my cheeks and lean towards me and put his lips on me i close my eye he start to move his lips while hold me closer to him He broke the kiss and hold my hand and open the back door slowly and we both come out from the Back then he again start to drag me

Yn : " where are you taking me "

He keep drag me without saying anything and finally stopped i look around

Jungkook : " This is my favorite Place whenever i feel sad i come here to calm my mind "

He said i look back at him and saw him looking around with a smile
Bunny smile

Jungkook : " come with me "

He again drag me with him i sliently follow him my eye widen at the view

I slowly walk towards the lake i smile everything is calma and peacefull suddenly i lose my balance and fell on the lake i start to struggle in the water i don't know swimming suddenly i felt a hand wrapped around me i open my eye and saw jungkook he look at me with a worried face

Jungkook : " Yn-ah are you okay "

He ask me while holding me tightly i look at him why he making it hard for me i grip his shoulder

Yn : " You are making it really hard for me "

I said with tear full eye i don't wanna cry infront him but i can't control it anymore a tear left from my eye and fell on his cheek

Jungkook : " am i that bad yn why can't you just forgive me I lose my father at age of 15 my mother threatened me if i don't marry aera my mother will die "

His eye turn red i can see the pain in his eye

Yn : " you marry her for your mother right if you cheat on her your mother will be hurt C-carrot I'm not perfect ----"

He smash his lips on me i close my eye i feel my heart will blast now i grip his shoulder more tighly he kissing me more roughly he broke the kiss and look at me

Jungkook : " Yn-ah I can't love anyone because You are the owns my heart No one can win my heart expect you "

He hold me tightly and slowly went under water he grip my waist and pull me closer to him

He look at me and smiled at me i put my hand on his chest he peck my lips and takes me out of water

We both Looking eachother lost in eachother eye

He kiss my lips i close my eye and feel his lips on mine i feel whole zoo in my tummy his kiss is slow he suck my lips i broke the kiss and look at him my lips is shaking i feel my body feeling something he still looking at me his lips is red due to the kiss


Hey bunny

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✨love u all 💗

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