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Jungkook's pov

I walking on the road then i see a old man Running out from the market with a Baby i feel something wrong so i follow him without him knowing i see him entering a small road the baby is crying loudly he stopped and put the baby on the road and take the baby chain this old fucking man

I stood behind him he stood up and turn around and see me he starts to sweating i grip his shoulder hardly he hiss in pain

Jungkook : " What are you doing with the baby huh Tell me who are you "

Old man : " sir please don't call police here the chain and leave me please sir i won't do this again "

He starts to beg me i lose my grip he immediately run away i ignore him and look at the baby she keep crying i knee down infront her she look at me and wipe my tear

" M-mumma "

Jungkook : " sssh baby i will take you to your mumma okay don't cry i won't hurt you "

" I want mumma Bunny u-uncle "

Jungkook : " okay come i will call your mumma "

I pick her in my arms she hugged me make me smile i walk towards the Road i enter the market and ask the owner they said she left i sigh and left i walk towards my house and enter inside with the baby sleeping in my arms she look like me i smiled and caress her cheek

Jimin : " jungkook who is this baby "

Jungkook : " Jimin someone try to Harm the baby i saved her I couldn't leave her police station like that so i bring her here "

Tae : " what if her parents worrying about her you should Give her back to her parents "

Yumi : " wait wait look at this tae "

She take a chain and open it i see a address on the locket i put the baby down and look at Jimin.

Jimin : " it's late lets go tomorrow Yumi can you take this baby with you "

She nods and take the baby suddenly baby starts to cry she put the baby down she stop crying I walk towards her and pick her in my arms and walks towards my room everyone is surprised

I lay down and put the baby near me and hug her and close my eye and trying to sleep but i open my eye and look at the baby sleeping peacefully i smiled see her angel face i peck her forehead and close my eye and sleep

Yn's pov

Haru : " Police said they will find jungmi soon but i don't think we need to find our Jungmi i can't wait anymore Hyung let's do something "

Hinata : " yes We both go and search near the market Yn don't cry okay Moko please take care of her we are going "

Haru and hina left i keep crying blaming myself its all because of me I shouldn't left my baby there alone i slap my cheek while crying

Moko : " Yn-ah don't cry they will find jungmi Okay come let's go and take some rest please "

Yn : " No moko m-my Baby i want my B-baby please god dont be this cruel to me ahhhh " 


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