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Soft green lustrous grasses were dancing, Sun was giving its rays  to enlighten the world with it's shine ...
People are busy in their respective works. Was the scene ..infront of ..

But ...there stood a beautiful, cute, fluffy and naughty boy..who was busy playing with sand in park ...
His mother who took him here , was busy chit- chatting on her phone ...and not paying attention to this cutie ..

Suddenly the cutie's eyes perked towards the soft creature playing along side of the road ...the cute and naughty boy inspite of knowing..and being told by his mother that children should not cross the road without green light ....still he ran towards the soft puppy ....on which his eyes were from the time he came to park ..

He slowly , with his wobbly legs ...walked towards the boundary of the park ..."mwamma ish not seeing taetae..hey hey ..taetwae will stwole the puppy and bring it...tho (to) hwome "

And while blabbering he ran towards, the other side of the road ...where the cute and furry puppy was kept in box...

where the cute and furry puppy was kept in box

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(Huge credit to owner of the pic)

Meet taetae aka kim taehyung..kims only son ..he is four years old , he is bold ...Hella bratty always in naughty mode ...but he gets sad very easily if someone scold him ....he is loved by his father a lot ..he is his dadda's prince ...but who cares as soon he gonna be daddy's princess ...(smirk)
Well he is bountiful rich ...can be included in multimillionaire...but he don't have many friends..he wants but can't have cause of his high security...

He loves to roam outside,  see outer world ..but thier parents doesn't get much time so ...he is not prone to Parks an all like other normal children's...

It's always been said with great power comes the great it gonna be for someone future too

"Ahhhhhh stoppppppp....plwease..dwont..mobe..stopppppppp........ahhhhh"
And in no time another boy came running and saved taetae bicycle was in its way to hit the pouty boy kim taetae ....but from somewhere an angel came and saved the prince .

But in attempt to saving ..the boy  made taetae fall on his back thankfully in grasses on side of road, and the new boy landed on top of him ...

" Ahh what happened..where is my taetae where my baby gone ....go and find"
Finally kim taehyung's mother kim Yuna broke her trance by the upcoming hustles that was happening in park ....and that made her realize..his son is not in the place where she left ...

" What you guys ..were doing my baby reached outside of the park" she(Kim yuna)  grunted on the two of her bodyguards ...

"Ma'am..little master is safe ..plz come with us" one of the bodyguard who came panting ..and informed Yuna.

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