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" Don't worry he will like you !!! Cause you are my friend "

Tae chirped , while both the boys were heading towards the cafe.

Bogum came to pick taehyung,  it was taehyung's exam month  going on .

Yes he has his final semester to go for . And as Bogum and taehyung both have finally became good friends ...consequently jimin and bogum also shooting for new drama .

Yoongi has came back to korea it's been one week more after jungkook's seven mv shoot and now in just not more than 5 days jungkook will be returning.

Taehyung too is leading in his life and also in something else may be he is not aware of this .

" Little master , sorry but we have got the orders to come with you " Minghyuk finally came face to face to taehyung , he has to obey the orders this time .

This time it's not jungkook it's Mr.kim hyungshik who has given the warning to all the guards to follow taehyung when he is with Mr.Bogum or anyone they are not familiar with.

"Whattttt !!! Noooo~~~ I will ask koo to fire you all "  taetae got irritated by not getting the freedom he wants , .

He is not aware of the scenarios how precious he is for few people.

" Sorry master but -- it's not master jungkook,  but it's sir hyungshik's order this time " the loyal bodyguard minghyuk uttered. From which Bogum too agreed .

"Taehyung I think they are right , let them follow us , already they follow you every time in hideout way , "  Bogum while muttering opened the car door and led taehyung at passenger's seat .

After dropping taehyung to his school , bogum went for his shoot promising him that he amd jimin will surely come after thier wind up.

Well it was thier Daily schedule now , new friendship was becoming more strong ...even though taehyung had made it very clear that ...if jungkook doesn't agree for him to become friend with bogum ...

Taehyung will not think twice to break thier so called friendship.


" Jungkook you should be careful now ! Hope no one had made your video an all , well I have tried my way to find everything,  and it sounds as if you are safe "  Se-jin remarked towards the idol who was mindlessly dressing to reach to airport .

" I don't care all these hyung !! " Jungkook made himself clear and took his bag and mac-book leaving the room while Manager Se-jin trailing behind the young Idol.

" You don't care !! But what about tae  , he should know what you did atleast him " sejin too got angry at how jungkook was behaving as if he did nothing.

" It was needed or you can call it in the heat of the moment action - and If I have to tell my baby I will surely ...." Jungkook left the manager dumbfounded there in hallway only while he forged towards his car .

"There are many things my angel too is hiding nowadays..hope it's not what I am thinking "

Jungkook was heading towards airport.


"Hey jiminaah !! Did yoongi hyung told anything about my kookie "  Taehyung being  worried asked jimin,  as the actor  got few minutes of break from his shoot ..bogum was being styled by hair-dresser .

Taehyung after finishing his exam directly came to shoot , he vividly used to watched the shooting going infront.

Many by now knew how taehyung has aimed to become actor and it was not hard as KIMS already had entertainment agency running under BIG KIM LABELS  .

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