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Jungkook was sweating,  huffing and busy closing his shirts buttons ...his hairs were messy , was clamped on his forehead...

Actually jungkook was in   washroom ..when hoseok called him and told about the choas happening downstairs ...jungkook was ordered to reach the party venue as soon as possible ..

Poor boy jungkook got nature's call when he was busy threatening one of the man who was eyeing his angel baby ...and he went upstairs to release it ...but unfortunately got late ....only then a call disturbed him ..asking him to come and stop his angry tiger...who was death to Jennifer at that time.

" Shit ! What happened...oh god " Jungkook's eye widen to see his pretty baby so angry and was pulling that  lady's hair mercilessly ..." BABY~ leave  her " birthday boy hugged the angry cub from behind and made taetae sway his legs in air jungkook held him in air .

" leave me kooo I will show her ..she dared to insult you kook ! ..." Tae kept in shouting and hitting his legs in air ...

"Calm down ..doll , my prince heart..see everything is all right ..I got you my baby  ..yes my angel ..." Jungkook started shushing and enchanting calm words to that angry cub who is being too much moody today !

The dark haired boy made the angry cub face him ...but he still had his hands wrapped on those tiny , fragile waists .." See here baby ...let's go hmm ..." Jungkook spoke smoothly only to see taetae's eyes glitter cause of tears that had weld up .

" Sorry for disturbance...I'll be right back ! " birthday boy softly bowed towards the elders ..and hugged the little cub more tighter ...while taetae as always wrapped his legs around jungkook's torso and buried his face in those sweet , musky,  mole bearing neck .

Taehyung tried to glued and move to close .to jungkook...which was physically impossible..

" Sorry guys ...let's enjoy the party ! .." Yuna as she  saw how people present there,  widening thier eyes ...took the chance to divert thier mind .

" be sure ..not to let any videos reach outside ..anyhow hmm" Jungkook who was moving inside with koala tae ..silently whispered to yoongi's ear .

"That's what I too thought ..don't worry just calm this naughty bear" yoongi made sure not to  spread taehyung's video anyhow ...

"Well isn't this naughty bear being too moody today it cause of his menstrual days or what? " hobi eyed jungkook and asked ...meanwhile jungkook just pouted big and nodded .


Jungkook made the boy sit on his lap ...while taehyung's head rest on jungkook's manly,  bold , buffed chest ..


Elder one kept on caressing taetae's back ..softly while scared tae held Jungkook's shirt more if his koo gonna run away .

" She started it ...she was at fault and eomma scolded me know ! Everyone is bad one loves me " cutie angel with big Bambi and teary eyes started his long list of complaint only to see ...jungkook smiling widely.

" Am I clown ..." Taehyung asked when he saw his jungkook smiling without any reason ..he disagreed immediately cause no way in dreams jungkook wants  to go bald " then why the hell you smiling.....idiot are also becoming bad kook " saying this taehyung again buried his face in those homey neck ...

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