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Sky was illuminated with shiny glorious stars ..glitter were  casted everywhere...decorations were shouting only lads were enjoying the party ..half were present while few still have not blessed the place with thier presence..

Media was present as it was one of the biggest CEO's sons birthday party who will miss the drama what if they get any spice..

Kim Yuna and jeon somi were busy gossiping and bounting off thier dresses ...without any thought of thier two naughty children's...who were still in thier room doing God knows what ! .

"Don't you tell me ..tae is again throwing any tantrums and hooking kook up " Yuna whispered in her friends ear knowing very well his one and only beautiful..angel less more devil child ..was angry on his koo some hours ago .

"You enjoy the party ...that's kookie's responsibility to deal with tae ..let's go see that bitch rosy is showing off her new necklace " somi pulled her friends hand and moved towards other ladies .

"Hi ~~ hyungg~~ .." jimin whispered in low voice .., to yoongi who was  sitting in bar area enjoying those sizzling drinks ...

And hearing those flirty melodious,  and teasing voice ..he chocked on his drinks .."Ahh you .., ahh h--i hi ji--min jimin " yoongi flashed back only to find and sexy jimin ..eyeing yoongi ..

" I thought you miss me ...After that night ..hmmm cause you being coward bitch ran away " trasing his fingers on yoongi's jaw jimin whispered..."remember hyung you ran away in morning "

" I didn' were the one sleeping till 1 fucking morning..and I had work in my jot this down in you stupid brain"  yoongi clenched jimin's hand and mumbled slowly yet sternly .

Thier talk got disturbed or rather than got balanced by a loud and chearing voice "Hi guysss enjoying without me ....don't forget your hope"
Jhope one of thier bestie attacked them with his bone crushing hug .

"Hobi hyung ..don't tell me you again brought something...which will make us look poor " jimin chirped eyeing jhope who was bare hands gifts around.

"Well that's our boy turning adult now " hobi wiggled his eyebrows ..while suga ignored thier talk and got busy in drinks again...

"Hi my Sweethearts " came another melodious voice ..which made jimin's eye shoot in fear.." jiiiin hyung what the hell ! " jimin silently whispered and hide himself behind hobi .

"Yaa jiminaah don't hide yourself still have to answer me ..where did you went on that night ..After wasting the hell of yourself " jin shot towards jimin ..who was giving deadly eyes to yoongi ..which clearly means 'now answer him ..'

"Why your mood is spoiled ...did Namjoona broke  something again...or he didn't praised your face again .." yoongi being the savage remarked ..which made jimin and hobi laugh aloud ." Well then you should be ready to save your pretty mind ..cause tae is coming in few minutes" jin winked towards yoongi ...who gulped in fear by hearing that naughty taetae's name .

" Sorry koo ..even if it's your birthday but kim taetae will take all spotlight .."Tae puffed his cheeks and gave a cute smirk...which made jungkook's heart flutter even more .

Jungkook was bathing himself with Hella expensive perfumes while taehyung was busy doing his make-up ..he put that shiny lipgloss and made a pop-up sound from his lips  knowingly ...he again made a pout and for final look he turned to see mirror again.

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