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Jin Ling embarks on a trip to the Burial Mounds, he only has one chance for his wish to be fulfilled.

Day 1 - Fingering

The cultivator looked at the creature in front of him without showing any fear, even though the creature could eat it in one bite if he intended to. He had reached the point where he was not afraid of anything, not out of bravery but out of desperation for his situation.

He remained in his place just a few meters away, showing himself as dignified as his future position as a sect leader allowed him.

The dragon's large leaden eyes were fixed on him, studying him closely. The cave was plunged into a heavy silence, which was only interrupted by the crackling of the torch fire distributed throughout the cave.

Since he entered that cave in the Burial Mounds after spending hours making his way with his sword, Fighting the vengeful spirits and walking corpses that were on their way to finally cross their target, none had said anything. Jin Ling did not know how long they had been in that same position. He had lost track of time.

The immense dragon with white and crimson scales slowly closed its eyes, before reopening them while slowly moving its tail. Curious as despite his large size, Jin Ling felt no movement under his feet.

— A long time ago no grower came. Come closer.

His words echoed, his voice was quite kind and he could even describe it as youthful. It was not what would be expected of a legendary dragon that lived in an area as sinister and dangerous as the Burial Mounds.

Jin Ling followed the dragon's orders. He walks to him slowly, partly because of the exhaustion of the battle he had waged to get there and because he was never more than cautious. He even kept his hand close to Suihua's hilt. He had heard of cultivators who had ended up with an unfortunate fate by meeting dragons and acting carelessly, and he would not be one of them.

He stopped when from where he was he could admire in greater detail the colorful scales of the dragon and its eyes that did not look like those of a reptile. They were too vivid. Almost like a person's.

— Those robes...¿Are you a Lanling grower?

Jin Ling nodded at the dragon's question. — My name is Jin Ling, I am the heir to Lanling Jin.

The dragon released a soft "Hmm" before speaking again.

— If you've come all the way here, I guess you're coming because of the rumor of wishes. ¿It is not like this?

Although the existence of dragons and more creatures was not unusual, that dragon was special. He was the last descendant of a strange race of dragons, Qishan, these had the ability to grant wishes. They could enforce any wish, no matter how small or large it was.

Initially they fulfilled wishes so that they were convenient for both parties; people had to make the payment that the dragon specified, and the dragon would fulfill its request. However, over the years the Qishan dragons noticed the great influence they had and their requests began to become ridiculous. All that happened before Jin Ling was born, and he knew that many things were only gossip, but they told the bad tongues that a dragon even asked for the death of an entire town as payment.

Ambition affected both parties. Dragons and cultivators, ending in a bloody war where the Qishan dragons were exterminated.

Or that had been believed.

A few years ago there was a rumor of the existence of a Qishan stem. After investigations it turned out that the rumor was true, but since the dragon was held in a cave and away from the cultivators, there was no need to attack. Furthermore times had changed, new sect leaders were only seeking peace, not absolute power.

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