Lineage, final

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There is less and less time left for babies to be born, and as Yuan prepares he makes a confession that makes Jin Ling rethink many things.

Day 4 - Body worship

It was a month before the deal ended, and fortunately all the symptoms Jin Ling had been experiencing seemed to have lost their strength. Jin Ling could only be grateful for that, although he admitted that he enjoyed the pampering the dragon gave him when he sat on his lap and played music for him, but now Jin Ling and Yuan could do more with their day although the dragon had yet to help him when his body temperature rose.

The jet had stopped hunting daily, now it did every other day. When asked why, he replied that he already had enough reserves for babies and that he should now take care of preparing the place where his children would grow up.

The grower felt that he should start asking questions about how It would be the birth, but the very idea caused a tremor in his legs and he preferred to leave that concern to the Jin Ling of the future.

Every morning after breakfast I followed Yuan through the cave, seeing how he planted flower seeds that the doctor had brought him in an area of the cave where the sunlight slipped in. The place was quite large, the ground was covered in grass and colorful plants but Yuan seemed to have the goal of growing flowers on it. It was curious how the Funeral burial mounds were considered a cold place with dead vegetation, but inside that cave there was a natural paradise.

While he works, Yuan tried to convince him to go back to the room they shared to rest but Jin Ling refused, even though the dragon had asked for books to keep him entertained Jin Ling had already finished them. He preferred to stay next to Yuan, see the way he frowned when he cleaned the floor of the weed and how his face lit up when he noticed that the flowers he had planted were beginning to be born. He always made too cute expressions. While Yuan worked hard, he kept her company, chatting, and exchanging questions.

— Do you miss your family? — Yuan asked once while digging.

The sleeves of his robes were rolled up to keep him from bothering him and beads of sweat fell down his forehead from the effort, if he took his normal form he could finish his excavation more quickly but since Jin Ling was by his side he kept that human form.

Jin Ling had been thinking about what the new dragon project was in the cave, which he asked unexpectedly.

The cultivator was surprised to have had to think about it. In his first weeks he had terribly missed his sect, his faithful pet, and his uncles, even though one of these was only planning to use it, but as time passed that melancholy was forgotten thanks to Yuan's attentions. The way he cared for and pampered him made him stop thinking about the hard life at the Koi Tower.

— Strange to me jiujiu and to Fairy. — finally responded after a few seconds of meditation.

— It must be hard, but you will soon be able to see them again. — Yuan left his shovel to take his hand. His gaze did not reflect that glow of happiness but one of affliction, although on his face he showed a calm smile. — Just a little more, A-Ling, and your wish will come true. You will lead Lanling Jin to a good future and no one will betray you.

Jin Ling could only force a smile.

It was weird. That was his wish, It was the reason he had agreed to that madness of having Yuan's offspring but he was not excited to think of everything he would do when he returned to Lanling Jin. Actually, the idea of leaving that cave and Yuan made him feel down.

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