Primadonna: Side A

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Sometimes pampering your favorite camboy has its rewards.

Day 12 - Lingerie, toys, masturbation.

in Ling took a deep breath, looking at the screen as he felt a knot form in his stomach of nerves. I still couldn't believe I was going to.

Yuan is asking for permission to access the private room. ¿Accept?

He thought about it for a few more seconds, really doubting whether to continue with that or not but in the end his hand moved over the mousepad to the option of " Accept ".

There was not a big change on his screen, where his camera had to be shown was a dark box when he was blocked but a nickname, Yuan, appeared in the chat area. I am a " Ting " accompanied by a user message.

Yuan: ¿Rulan? ¿You're good? If you don't feel good we can meet another time.

Jin Ling couldn't help but smile when reading the message. The so sweet Yuan, always worrying about him.

He activated the microphone before speaking.

— I'm fine. Don't worry Yuan. You also made time for me, I don't want you to postpone your plans because of me. ¿Are you ready?

He was mentally cursed by the strange way his voice had sounded. Nervousness along with anxiety were not doing him any good.

Yuan: Yes. Although the truth is that I'm a little nervous about everything ... this.

We are two . Jin Ling thought, but it wasn't something he could easily confess.

For months he had been working as a Cambodian. It was not a bad job except for the risk of being discovered by one of his relatives, but outside of that he was very well paid and Jin Ling set his rules. Those who entered his room could follow them or be kicked out of it, because Jin Ling would not accept any disrespect for himself.

The work was going well, surprisingly many people came to see his shows and made very generous contributions to him. It seemed that using his personality, just being more capricious attracted people. But lately he had noticed how in the chats, before Jin Ling started his show and was preparing the atmosphere, there were talks about private rooms of other Cambodians, which could only be accessed by those who paid a juicy amount of money. It was a one-to-one experience.

Jin Ling admitted that it caught his attention since he didn't want to be left behind in his business, but he couldn't just start that with anyone. It was very different to have more than a hundred people watching him, simply leaving in comments the pile of depraved things they wanted to do to him, namely that he was only a person to whom Jin Ling would have to fulfill some of his fantasies. He still remembered with great shame his first stream, it had not been the worst but with the level he now had, that memory did nothing but cause nightmares because of how painful it had been. A trembling voice, clumsy hands, and even masturbating was problematic. The moment of greatest shame for the Cambodian.

But there was one person who helped him from the beginning. Someone whom Jin Ling inadvertently always looked for in the chat: Yuan.

Yuan was probably his number one fanatic.

This was on his first stream. While some gave him scathing words about how he was unable to put a dildo inside him, Yuan encouraged him to wait and feel comfortable and will use his fingers longer to make sure to better dilate his entry. Jin Ling was eternally grateful to him for those words of support, which he had successfully completed that stream without further embarrassing situations.

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