Darkness, part 3.

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The sighting of a leading criminal has mobilized all heroes, Blue Dragon must remain vigilant, but the appearance of a certain masked person can complicate matters.

Day 7 - Public sex, intercrural.

— Blue Dragon, are you in position?

— I'm ready. ¿Is there any sign of the criminal? — he asked looking from the roof of the building where he stood guard.

Still nothing. HanGuang-Jung will notify as soon as there is any sighting.

— Understood. I'll be on hold.

Sizhui was about to turn off the microphone on his communicator when he heard a sound from the other side.

Ah, Sizhui. —It was fortunate that they were on his private channel, or he would have already scolded JingYi for calling him by his civilian name. —¿Have you been well?

— Huh? — All the encounters he had had the past two weeks with a certain golden mask antihero came to the mind of the blackhead.

He looked down at the busy street, trying not to think about Golden Peony. Just doing it, his mouth filled with a bitter taste and his eyebrows tightened with annoyance.

I hated it so much.

— I'm fine. — Lied fixing the tone of his voice, waiting for JingYi not to notice the little notes of darkness in this one. — Why?

Lately you've been distracted. You've barely been able to earn a few points in the catches of the past few weeks, and that's only because you've managed not to be the last to get to the catches.

Sizhui rolled his eyes. The whole issue of scores bothered him.

The fact that people developed surprising powers was not unusual, but problematic when they decided how to use them. Some preferred to maintain an ordinary life, others looked for ways to use them to protect people while another sector used it for their own benefit. That is why a bureaucracy was created around the theme of heroes and villains, and therefore also a business.

Those who wanted to become heroes had to be part of an agency, it would have contact with the government to get the hero's permits and insurance. Hence, depending on how advantageous this was, it depended on which division it would enter. Some had to work hard in the second division before being promoted, but there were those who were so skilled that they entered the first division at first, Blue Dragon was one of those.

Paying for building damage and hospitalization in addition to getting wages was not easy, so the heroes became a rather lucrative business thanks to a television show. It was a competition between first division heroes. Certain points were given to them in each emergency call depending on their actions. Actually the winner of the year only took pride, while the rest kept their place secured in the first division unless they fell last.

Blue Dragon had held its place at the top since his career began, but lately he was so distracted that he made rookie mistakes or was not fast enough to attack, all this as a result of his last encounters with Golden Peony. Sizhui did not mind winning the competition, but he did not want to be demoted to the second division. He was already striving not to be removed from the world of heroes by having that kind of relationship with the masked man, he could not be demoted to the second division from where heroes could very rarely leave.

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