Lineage, Part 3

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Jin Ling and Yuan are in "the sweet wait", but while dark thoughts attack him the cultivator has begun to suffer strange symptoms.

Day 3 - Cock Warming

None commented on the words that came from the dragon's lips when it was in full climax.

Yuan avoided mentioning it out of shame. No matter those feelings of attachment that the grower had developed in such a short time, it would go away once the babies were born. After all, that was the deal.

While Jin Ling despite his conviction in dealing with the Qishan dragon, and how he would let him go after doing his part, a small voice full of mistrust did not stop murmuring that everything could be a lie. ¿How were you so sure Yuan would honor the deal? The ancestry of the black-haired man had nothing to do with it, but it was his apprehension to trust others.

From a young age he knew that he could not trust anyone but his jiujiu, but unfortunately I couldn't be with him all the time. Yuan had been right to call Lanling Jin a " snake's nest ". He couldn't trust anyone in the sect, not even his own uncle who would only seek to use him for his own benefit, how was he so sure Yuan would be different? Although the week of preparation had been quiet and made the dragon open up a bit, it could be some twisted plan of it.

From the beginning Yuan mentioned that his spiritual energy was powerful, and special so that he could carry his young inside. Perhaps the dragon planned to repopulate the Qishan dragon world through him, and once Jin Ling had the first, he would force him to have others and thus continue in a cycle where Jin Ling would only be used for the purpose of conceiving. Surely Yuan had only earned his trust to keep him from running away, but as soon as Jin Ling tried something he would use the great difference in heights and strength when taking his mythical creature form.

It sounded too twisted. The cultivator knew this, and while one party really believed Yuan was genuine, he couldn't help but mistrust. He did not want to be hurt again for being too naive.

So after that first night together, Jin Ling decided to raise their barriers. The plan was simple, he would stay in the cave fulfilling his end of the bargain but would put as much distance as possible until the birth of the dragons in three months.

But like everything in his life, fate seemed to mock him.

It started a week later, when her belly grew more as the eggs grew stronger inside her. First it was a scorching heat that ran all over his body making the robes suffocating. He tried to calm the ardor by diving into that spring inside the cave, and although the water was fresh, his body temperature did not drop.

To make it more uncomfortable, the heat was not only external.

His excitement was causeless and he didn't seem to want to quit either. Just like that heat started, his penis rose to his own shame. He tried to get rid of the annoying erection while cooling his body, but no matter how many times it ran there seemed to be no way it would go down.

Yuan found him within hours with a tearful face, panting from his last orgasms and with a painful excitement. Only the dragon's hands were enough to attend to its limb so that it finally descended, taking with it that scorching sensation. But there was a vestige of those symptoms, a warm feeling that Jin Ling reminded him of when spring was about to end in Yunmeng Jiang.

But Jin Ling could not claim victory, as the next day the intense heat returned. Yuan seemed to have noticed when he saw him try to go to the spring, but the dragon took care of his erection helping the cultivator not go through a ordeal like the day before.

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