Link, part 1

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No one would accept a beta as a pair of an omega, luckily Jin Ling has a plan.

Day 9 - Deepthroat, bukkake.

A couple of intruders were moving fast, mocking the guards at the much-famous Koi Tower. They weren't really dangerous people, but for those who followed the orders of that annoying council of elders they were considered Loop breakers, which some sects considered an unwritten crime.

But intruders didn't care about that bunch of old men who just wanted to keep some power, and neither to the leader of Lanling Jin who had his own allies within the sect.

Both intruders stopped listening to footsteps, they were so close to their goal and although they knew they could cope with some guards, they did not want to keep their loved one waiting.

The figure that owned those steps was present showing a known face. She was an elderly woman, with a gentle face and clothes too thin for her position as a doctor.

The intruders came out of hiding by distinguishing the woman's identity and how it came from the hallway that connected her goal.

— How are you? — asked the one in white and blue robes catching his breath.

From the moment they felt a discomfort in their chest, they rushed to Lanling Jin as quickly as possible. Even as exceptional growers, they did not have as much energy or power as those of higher castes.

— He is locked in his room. I gave him some medicine to support as they arrived, he was just going to send a message to warn them of his condition. — explained the woman looking at both men in surprise.

— Did it just start today? — asked the other man, his features were similar to those of white robes except that his were red and his eyes were purple.

The woman stated with a head movement. — If it is today, it is possible that Jin-zongzhu was on tape. — The eyes of both men showed a glow of surprise and emotion.— You guys go, I'll make sure no one bothers you.

Both men murmured a quick thank you before running the last few meters they had left to the sect leader's room.

His omega needed them, they couldn't keep him waiting.

As soon as they approached the door and heard their partner's sweet gasps and whining, none spent another second, opening the doors and closing them behind them when they entered that room they constantly visited.

An intoxicating lotus scent flooded the room barely lit by some candles.

Both could be betas without a sense of smell as developed as the other castes, but the pheromones of their omega were so strong that they themselves began to feel affected by them.

— Yes ... Sizhui ... Yuan...

From the bed, the sect leader came out of hiding among several sheets and blankets.

Her long brown hair usually tied up in a high ponytail were now loose and messy. He was wearing his inner robe, but the mooring in the central area had loosened revealing the paleness of his chest and part of his left shoulder, but also the painful erection between his legs. The brown eyes that usually looked fiercely at anyone who dared to dismiss their authority were now full of tears but they both knew that these were not sadness but frustration.

The bed was a complete mess. With cushions thrown across the floor of the room, and the bed cover showed how the chestnut tree had been writhing at the need for pleasure from the fluid mess.

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