Darkness, part 2.

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It is the first meeting of the deal between Lan Sizhui and Golden Peony. The hero swears he won't enjoy it, but will it be true?

Day 6 - Denial orgasm, sensory deprivation.

Sizhui looked at the small studio where he had been summoned by the antihero, he had made it too clear that if he dared to miss his daily meeting or was late, information about his relationship with the Wen would be leaked immediately. Sizhui did not want to tempt his luck, so he arrived at the place a few minutes before the agreed time, to meet that small studio that was not in poor condition but the fact that there was only one large bed in it made him feel restless.

It was obvious why the antihero wanted him, but seeing that place made him finish understanding the bizarre situation he was in. I did not want to do it. His mind devised millions of plans that he could use to get out of that situation but in the end he knew it was impossible. If he didn't want to lose people's support and not be branded as a liar, he had no choice but to resign himself.

— What a good boy, you even came before me. It shows that you are committed to this.

The voice of the masked man came from behind. He turned to see him, without being impressed that he was wearing that suit he was fighting with. A yellow robe with two openings on the sides, white stockings, and tall black combat boots. Part of his head was covered with a yellow hood, being part of the robe and as usual his face was hidden behind his distinctive golden mask.

— It's not like I have another option.

As much as Sizhui and Blue Dragon had a warm and even peaceful personality, but when he met the antihero he couldn't stop his smile from disappearing and treating him more coldly. Anyway it wasn't that it mattered, they were both on opposite sides and the antihero always managed to get the worst out of him when they argued.

The masked man giggled. — I guess you're right, after all your reputation is in my hands. ¿Why don't we start? — he asked naughly as he approached one end of the room. Due to the poor lighting Sizhui had not noticed the dark colored chest of drawers, it was perfectly camouflaged by the color of the walls and floor. — He's still a good boy and get undressed, I have a surprise that I know you will like.

Sizhui sighed, because he knew that part of enjoying it was a lie.

With the cheeks and tips of his red ears he began to undress, carefully folding his civilian clothes to store them in his backpack where he was wearing his blue and white Blue Dragon suit. He could feel the predatory look of the antihero on him, he was unable to ignore him but there was nothing he could do to stop him either.

— Come here.

He followed the other man's orders, approaching him and noticing that he was holding metal handcuffs in his hands. Sizhui might still be somewhat innocent when it comes to sexual issues, but he knew what they used these for.

— Lie down on the bed and raise your arms. — The blackhead did as he was asked. — See how you follow my orders without saying a word. ¿Are you also excited about this?

Sizhui bit his inner cheek to avoid responding, he simply could not tolerate the mockery of the antihero.

While trying to control his mouth, Peony had already sat on his pelvis and took his right hand by passing the metal ring around his wrist, closing it before passing the chain behind the headboard with bars of the bed and repeating its actions with its left hand.

— Ready ~ — hummed. — Don't try to burn it or I'll make sure to give you a good punishment. — warned by keeping that happy tone.

Sizhui clicked on the tongue, unable to hold back any longer. — This is ridiculous, and accept that I would let you do whatever you wanted. ¿Why should you handcuff me if you have me at your mercy?

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