Darkness, end

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Everyone has a limit.

Day 8 - Knifeplay, shibari, creampie, spanking, punishment.

From a corner of the dark room he observed the unconscious body on the bed. The yellow robes were intact, just as the golden mask continued to cover the mysterious face of the antihero. But there was something different. Medium thick ropes that surrounded part of the chest, adjusting Golden Peony's clothing giving a better sample of his silhouette. His arms were tied behind his back, hands together and strong knots in that area to avoid any disaster.

The electric shock that Golden Peony launched disappeared that mist inside Sizhui's head, helping him to realize something important.

I didn't want to continue living that way.

The tied man began to squirm in bed, in a vain attempt to get up but due to the ties of his body it was impossible. An expression of complacency was present on his face when he noticed how the antihero finally seemed to realize his situation when moving his head, stopping in his direction.

— Sizhui? — murmured in a soft voice full of bewilderment.

The smile on his face widened further. Slowly he approached the bed to show himself to the masked man.

— What's up? — asked with feigned innocence.

He helped Peony sit on the bed on his legs. There was a silence from the antihero, Sizhui waited patiently. The blow he had given him to knock him unconscious had been too strong.

— You! ¿How could you attack me? — It seemed that Peony finally remembered everything that had happened judging by the enraged tone of his voice.

Sizhui remained calm crossing his arms.

— You did it, do you forget?

— But that would be expected from someone like me. Not from you that you love to play the good boy.

It was true that he liked being good. His dream had always been to use his powers to help people, and while he did, what had brought him that way of following the rules? Being blackmailed by trash like Golden Peony, making him his sex toy.

— Untie me right now. — ordered Peony severely. — If you do, I will be kind and give you one last chance.

At some other time Sizhui would have looked down as he carried out his orders, moved by fear that his secret would come to light and, having as his only escape the dark fantasies that plagued his mind, where the intimidations of the antihero had no effect on him.

But he would no longer let it affect him.

— Do you forget what you said when you blackmailed me? — He didn't wait for an answer, he just kept talking the moment one of his hands went to Peony's mask.— You said that I had no courage, and that I did not have that Wen instinct to destroy everything. Guess what, — Her peaceful smile changed, becoming malicious as her leaden eyes darkened. He brought his face closer to the masked man, leaving only a few measly centimeters away. — thanks to you develop that instinct. — He let out a mocking laugh. — You can tell everyone my secret, I don't care about anything anymore.

Losing his sponsors, all those people who supported him and being seen as a traitor...

I was tired of everything. ¿Why did he have to protect his true roots? He had not committed any of the sins of those who accused his family. If people were really grateful for everything they had done in those years of hard work they would support them even knowing where it came from, and if not then Sizhui wasted valuable years of his life.

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