Darkness, part 1.

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¿What to do when your enemy knows the secret that you have kept for so many years? ¿Fall at the request of an antihero or lose the support of the public?

Day 5 - Blackmail

Lan Sizhui was in a difficult situation.

Having had a mission where he met Golden Peony, an antihero whom he could consider his enemy since he always got in his way. He managed to catch the villain before the golden mask antihero could murder him, but Sizhui had foolishly let his guard down. He only felt a strong electric current run through his body before losing consciousness. When he came to, he was in an abandoned building, but the most disturbing thing is that Golden Peony was sitting across from him.

I was confused. As much as the masked man could be between that fine of good and evil, he had never attacked a hero out of nothing. He didn't think it could be some ridiculous way to kidnap him to ask the league to let him do his will, his wrists weren't even tied. Although the antihero was likely to know that it would only be a waste of energy, since having the power of fire he only needed to make a movement with his finger to burn the handcuffs or ropes that limited him.

He was going to try to speak, but Golden Peony got ahead of him.

— Wen Yuan.

He called him by that name from which Sizhui had disposed when Lan Zhan adopted him. Just by listening to it, I knew I was in trouble.

From the floor he looked at the man in front of him, slowly moved to sit on the floor, he could still feel the remnants of electricity on his body. He couldn't know what kind of expressions were behind the golden mask the antihero wore, but he didn't need to see it to know he was enjoying it.

— I don't know that name. ¿Why did you attack me?

Golden Peony paused before giggling.

— Blue Dragon, you better than anyone should know that I do not act without reason, much less without having verified my information. You are Wen Yuan, the last member of that infamous villain family.

— I am not. — repeated beginning to rise from the floor, but was stopped by lightning falling too close to his boot. Sizhui blinked, looking at the antihero with a raised eyebrow although it was likely that he did not notice it because of his mask.

— Sit down. — The voice of man changed again to one of seriousness. — There is no point in fighting, we have done it so many times that we already know how this will end.

Sizhui clicked his tongue knowing that Golden Peony was right. There were countless times they had faced each other and only ended with injuries but there was never a clear winner. He sat on the floor again looking at the antihero.

— I repeat, Peony. You are making a mistake, I am not a Wen.

The antihero laughed again, rising from his chair to approach Sizhui and hold him by the chin with force. The jet remained expressionless as the masked man's grip every second grew stronger, reaching a point where the pain in his jaw was too much but he still didn't scream or stop looking at him.

— That doesn't say your personal information. — answered the antihero before releasing him. He rose from the floor walking around him slowly, as if he were a shark stalking its prey.

Sizhui watched him silently, noticing that he was pulling a USB from between his robes. — By now you should know that I hate the Wen, that's why I constantly investigate them in search of whether any of the villains survived. My surprise was very great when I realized that there was still a Wen hanging around, of course you must have been very small when it was the dark time so I don't hold a grudge against you. But I thought I could make good use of that information.

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