You claim to have seen/heard something they didn't

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He immediately became worried for you. He did do a quick scan around. Maybe all this stress and responsibility got to you? PTSD? So he made you sit down, assuring you it's okay and he's here if you need him.


Of course he's gonna believe you! What idiot wouldn't? There have been the strangest things, outerworldly beings even, so this isn't a strange thing. He will look into it and try to solve what it was.

Wonder Woman:

She did a look around then gave you a confused look, answering she doesn't see anything. When she doesn't see something herself she has difficulty believing it so she wasn't convinced.

J'onn J'onzz:

He looked around then told you he doesn't see or heard anything. This wasn't to tell you he doesn't believe you, simply that he did not hear/see it. He asked you to describe it, listening close, then reported it to the rest so everyone keeps an eye and ear out.


"Euhm... I don't see or hear anything?" was his first answer. At your look of annoyance he assured he believes you. That was half true, he's unsure if it's real or the job getting to you so he assured you to relax while he checks around.


She got concerned and confused, telling you there is nothing. She asked you when the last time was you took a break before telling you to take some days off. It's not that she doesn't believe you, just... she doesn't see or hear it and this job can make people behave odd so she was unsure how to react to this.

Green Lantern:

He had difficulty believing it. He doesn't see or hear anything, even after checking everywhere! He told you there is nothing so maybe just heard some stray animal. He made sure to get you some food and water after as he worried it's just your mental state being tired and stressed.

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