If you can sing well but don't do it professionally

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Requested by: frost2245

I added the 'don't do it professionally' because I'll be doing a 'If you are a singer' chapter some day.


He will stop what he's doing to listen, closing his eyes while a smile forms. He can enjoy your voice so much, no matter what you are singing. Sometimes he will hug you from behind, putting his chin on your shoulder, enjoying the sound of your voice.


He made it into his computer so when he's working and the security cameras catch you singing that it'll automatically show it to him with audio so he can enjoy it no matter where you are in the house. He has assured you many times if you ever want to make this your job that he can get you the needed connections and money.

Wonder Woman:

Whenever she hears your voice, what you are capable of, she is amazed and will say you need to go be a star because this voice can get you there. She will joke but also mean it that Apollo and the muses have blessed you with this talent so need to put it to good use and be proud of it. She will joke you are her Orpheus and she is your Eurydice, but you will remind her that's not a good thing with how sad their story goes.

J'onn J'onzz:

If you sing unique or difficult genres then he finds it very fascinating. You could be screaming and he would watch as if you are singing a gentle soft touching song. He enjoys anything you do. He hopes you'll do something with such a wonderful voice.


He's always searching up songs he thinks you would be amazing at singing, encouraging you when you deny or get shy. He's your biggest supporter. He always tells people 'you just have to hear them sing!' but would never force you to do it to show it if you don't want to.


She just uses you instead of music now. Long drives or flights used to be boring but now she blasts music so she gets to enjoy you singing along with it. She is jealous you can sing so well, she wishes she could so sometimes she tries to copy you but that just lets her know even more how difficult singing really is.

Green Lantern:

He has you try each genre and some of his favorite songs so you can explore your range and discover more songs, and also just because he wants his favorite songs sung by his favorite person. He has suggested you use that voice for something professional and always assures you when you claim it isn't that good.

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