When it suddenly starts raining

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Just wrote this quickly after my morning walk where it suddenly began raining even though no rain was predicted. -_-


Simply ignores it, sometimes he might complain about it. Great reason for once home to hug you, suggesting both take a warm relaxing shower.


With a sigh tells Alfred to ready towels. He will hug you as both wait under some cover until the Batmobile arrives.

Wonder Woman:

She just stays focused on what's at hand. Rain doesn't bother her much, just has her now more happy to go home so she can get into some warm comfortable clothes then cuddle with you.

J'onn J'onzz:

He simply glances up then focuses again. When you hold an umbrella above him it makes him smile and feel nice inside.


He takes your hand and hurries to cover, laughing it off as being angry about it won't do anything. Both wait it out if possible, snickering about silly things.


"A bit of rain won't kill you" is what she comments, while her wing moves to be above you.

Green Lantern:

Projects a big umbrella to cover you both. Sometimes makes it smaller as excuse to pull you close and hold you.

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