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[Human AU] [Angst?]

Sonic entered his apartment building with arms full of grocery bags. He had just come back from an hour long run to the store with Tails. Well, they didn't just go to the grocery store; they also got lunch and stopped by the toy store to get something for Tails.

"Shadowww! We're homeee!" Sonic called as Tails closed the door behind him. His small, eleven year old hands, held a large spaceship.

Putting the bags on the counter, Tails went off to his room. Turning his head around, Sonic noticed that he couldn't find Shadow. Leaning over the counter, he peered into the living room. He wasn't there either. Not out on the balcony, nor in their bedroom. Picking his phone up, Sonic went to call his emo boyfriend when he noticed that the bathroom in their bedroom had its light on. The door was closed.

'He's probably in there.' Sonic thought to himself, setting his phone down.

Walking up to the door, Sonic went to grab the door knob when suddenly- BANG!- Sonic jumped back, startled by the noise. It sounded like a gun shot... Something then oozed out from under the door onto the wood flooring. It was red...

"Shadow!?" Sonic exclaimed. Pushing himself forward, he grabbed the door knob, twisted it, and burst into the room. A thud was heard as Sonic struggled to push the door open fully. He stuck his head in and spotted non other than Shadow on the floor. Red liquid under his head.

Tears started to well up in the adult's eyes. He pushed his way into the room and kneeled down next to the limp body. With shaking hands, Sonic turned Shadow over. With his body now facing upwards, the shaking adult checked for wounds. It then hit him in that moment that he couldn't see the gun that Shadow used.

Suddenly, a groan came from the now moving body.

"SHADOW!" Sonic exclaimed, hugging him. Shadow slowly sat up and checked his surroundings.

"Sonic..." he whispered.

Sonic let go and pulled away, "Yes, Shadow?"

Shadow smacked the back of his head, "What the hell is wrong with you!!" he asked sternly.

Sonic leaned back and rubbed his head, "Ow! What was that for?!"

"Look at what you caused!" Shadow told his confused boyfriend, pointing to his head with clear, plastic gloves on that Sonic didn't notice before, "You got dye on me!"


"Yes! And why did you open the door like that on me!?"

Sonic took a couple of seconds before responding, "I thought you killed yourself..."

"Killed myself- Sonic why would you think that-" Shadow then stopped talking as he saw tears in his boyfriend's eyes. He took in his surroundings: him lying on the floor, the dye on his head, the dye that seeped into the bedroom under the door.


The two jumped at the noise. His new phone notification... He knew he should've have picked that one-

With a sigh, he slowly pulled Sonic into a hug, "I'm sorry babe..." he whispered, "I should've known."

Sonic hugged Shadow back, "No I'm sorry... I shouldn't have assumed."

Shadow chuckled before planting a kiss on Sonic's forehead, "How about we get this mess cleaned up, okay?"

Nodding in agreement, Sonic wiped a tear and stood up, helping Shadow up after.

"Sonic? Shadow?" a voice came from the bedroom. Tails slowly walked up to the door, his ginger-blond hair shinning in the light. "What happened? Are you alright? You're not fighting... are you..?"

Sonic's eyes widened at the last question, "No no no! Of course not! I just thought something happened to Shadow, that's all."

Tails looked up to his brother's boyfriend. Red hair dye dripped from his head. With a little giggle, Tails pointed up to it, "You got dye on you."

Shadow grumbled under his breath as the two brothers giggled to eachother. After a quick talk to Tails, Sonic sent him to get some cleaning supplies so the two could clean up. And maybe to also grab something else.

Once Tails left the bedroom, Shadow pulled Sonic to him, his arms tightly around his waist, "What did you buy at the store?" he asked.

Sonic blushed, "The usual. Chili dogs, water, soda, canned soup..."

"Did you get anything other than that?" Shadow frowned, "Did you get what was on MY list?"

"Yes babe, I did." Sonic chuckled.

Hearing Tails footsteps get closer, Shadow quickly kissed Sonic's neck before letting go and turning to the bowl on the ground. He had cleaned his head, but it left a slight stain.

'I didn't even start the dying process... I just managed to put it in the bowl.' Shadow thought to himself as he picked the bowl up.

Setting it in the sink, he pulled off the now dirty gloves, threw them out, and turned to Sonic. His nose hit something as he turned; but it wasn't hard. Eyes widened at the sight.

"You got me a lavender bouquet!?" Shadow asked, blush turning his cheeks red.

Sonic nodded, blushing back. He rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment as Tails grinned widely. Shadow took the lavender and hid his face in them. The smell was lovely; stress left his body.

"Thank you..." Shadow whispered.

Tails jumped up happily at the good reaction. Shadow pulled Sonic in for a kiss, which Sonic returned.

"YUCK!" Tails exclaimed, covering his eyes. "RUN AWAYYY!" he yelled before turning around and running off.

The two lovers laughed.

"Don't run from my love!" Sonic exclaimed, kissing Shadow once more before chasing off after Tails.

Watching his goofy boyfriend run off, Shadow sighed. Stepping over the dye, he set the lavender on the bed before turning to his mess.

"I guess I'm cleaning this by myself." he muttered. "It was my fault after all." Without anymore complications, he cleaned up the mess with a slight smile; as he kept remembering what his boyfriend did for him.


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