Prom (pt. 2)

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"I don't need help getting ready!" Sonic whined.

"You were going to wear only a blazer and tie... I think you do need help." Amy told Sonic as she pulled out a pink suit from the racket. They were shopping at a nearby thrift store for outfits.

"What's the theme anyways?"

"Enchantment!" Amy sighed romantically.

Sonic groaned.


Several hours later, it was time to for the dance. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy all went together in a limbo; they were also going to pick up their dates. First, Blaze.

"Hello, everyone." Blaze said as her and Amy both entered the limbo. "I am very excited for this!"
(You can make Blaze and Amy going as friends, or as a ship.)

Next person, Rouge.

"Wow! Not bad!" Rouge said as she entered the limbo, Knuckles helping her in. "And here I thought you were going to show up with nothing."

The girls chuckled a little.

"Oh! Hello Tails. How are you darling?" Rouge asked once she spotted a well dressed Tails.

"I'm doing good! Thanks for asking! How about you?" Tails replied happily.

"Well I'm doing just dandy. Say, why are you coming with us? You don't go to our school."

"Well, Sonic didn't want me being left home, so he got the school to take let me come!" a large smile was on the fox's face.

Everyone returned the smile with a few laughs. Seeing Tails so happy was always a sight worth seeing. The next, and final, person they were to get, was Shadow. As the pulled up to his house, Sonic shook nervously. He was less nervous before because he assumed that Shadow was with Rouge. That meant Sonic wouldn't have to walk up alone, and would be with Knuckles.

"Go get em tiger." Rouge teased as Sonic left the limbo.

Sonic chuckled nervously in response. Closing the limbo door, the music dulled down. Slowly, Sonic stuffed up to the door.

Why am I so nervous? I'm Sonic the hedgehog! Everything will go okay! ... If everything is okay then why am I walking so slowly!?

Reaching the door, Sonic pulled out a box and pressed the doorbell. The ring of the bell echoed once more. After a couple minutes, which left like forever, the doorknob finally shock as Shadow opened the door. Sonic's jaw dropped at the sight of his date. A black suit top with a top body jewelry piece. (This is the jewelry piece vv)

Shadow didn't wear a tie, but he did wear a small silver chain to match the jewelry top

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Shadow didn't wear a tie, but he did wear a small silver chain to match the jewelry top. His pants were of course black suit pants.

"W-wow..." Sonic said with a dropped jaw, "Shadow you look... Amazing."

Shadow smiled, slight blush could be spotted, "You're not too bad yourself hedgehog."

The limbo's horn honked loudly, "Ah!" Sonic exclaimed, "Before we go, I got you this!"

Holding out the black box, Shadow took it with a raised eyebrow, "I didn't know we were supposed to exchange gifts..?"

Sonic chuckled with rosy cheeks. Opening the box, inside was a lavender corsage with little white baby breaths. Sonic suddenly took out a small bouquet with the same flowers and put it in his suit jacket pocket. He also took the corsage, taking Shadow's hands to put the bracelet on.

"Now we match." Sonic smiled as Shadow put the box away on table next to him.

His blush got bigger as he stepped out the house and closed the front door behind him, "Let's go." he muttered.

Taking Shadow's hand, the two walked back to the limbo hand-in-hand, ready for a night of fun.

[I'M SO SORRY THAT THIS IS SHORT AND SUPER LATE!! I've been busy with school and others issues- Not to mention me being sick rn😭 I'll try to get back to updating weekly, but for now it's gonna be rough-]

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