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The alarm on Shadow's phone went off. He groaned, turning to his side and grabbing his device. He rarely had alarms, so why did he have one for today? Shadow read the alarm title, 'Pride Month'.

"Pride month..?" Shadow read, slowly processing the title.

Suddenly, the bedroom door flung opened as Sonic, his boyfriend, kicked it, "HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!" he tooted.

Shadow's ears went down as he grimaced at the yelling, "Shut up!" he replied.

Sonic chuckled before appearing next to Shadow, "Good morning~!"

The hedgehog frowned at his boyfriend for disturbing his silence, "What do you want, Faker?"

"I want YOU to get out of bed!" Sonic replied, "There's a pride parade happening in an hour that I want to attend!"

"Oh, that's right. The one Amy's been organizing." Shadow eyed Sonic up and down, "You sure are- energetic today..."

Sonic smiled, "I know! Tails invented this new coffee he wanted me to try! And it's SUUUPER effective!"

"I can tell... Just don't do anything to mess up Amy's parade- please."

The hedgehog kissed his boyfriend, "No promises!" he replied before zooming off.


An hour later and a half later, and the two were finally at the parade. Luckily for them, people were still joining.

Amy spotted the couple and rushed on over, "Hey you guys! I'm so glad you could make it!"

Shadow nodded as Sonic smiled in response, "It's good to be here! I see some people are setting up stands?"

"Portable ones." Amy replied, "There's more at our final destination."

"And where's that again?" Shadow asked.

"Oh! It's just half a mile away, near Cream's house."

"You hoo~" a sudden, seductive, voice called.

The three turned to see Rouge, Knuckles, Tails, and a little stroller. Amy squealed and rushed to hug Rouge. Tails jumped into Sonic's arms while Knuckles and Shadow nodded to each other. The girls quickly joined the boys, their arms linked as Rouge pushed the stroller. It had been two months since Rouge gave birth to her baby boy Button. As Rouge put it, the recovery was annoying, but well worth it for her baby.

"Hey boys~" Rouge said to the couple.

"Rouge! It's good to see that u recovered!" Sonic smiled.

Shadow walked to the side of the stroller and watched Button coo at his toy.

"Cutie, ain't he?" Rouge asked, looking from Shadow to Button, "He's a fast learner I'd say."

"How so?" Shadow asked.

While the two chatted, Sonic and Knuckles fist bumped. Amy checked her new watch before letting out a worried noise.

"I'm late to starting! Be right back!"

Sonic watched as Amy ran to a tall box nearby. Using all her force, she heaves herself onto the box, pulled out a megaphone from thin air, and turned it on.

"Ahem!" she cleared her throat loudly, catching everyone's attention. "Goodmorning everyone! I hope you're all doing just fine on this lovely day! I'd like to say: Happy Pride month! Our designation is half a mile away, where there will be food, drinks, games, and more!" The large crowd cheered, "Now, let's get this parade started!"

Setting the megaphone down, Amy strolled over back to her friends. She wrapped her arm around Rouge's before they all set off on their walk.

A while later a dan ran to Sonic's side, "Mr. Sonic, sir?" the teen said nervously.

Sonic looked to the nervous teen who looked to be around 16, "Hey! Whatsup?"

"U-uhm... I was worried if you c-could sign this for me?" the teen handed Sonic a trans pride flag.

Sonic smiled, "What's your name kid?"

"River." the 16 year old replied before Sonic signed their flag

"Would you like to sign my flag?" Sonic held up his own trans flag that he was wearing like a cape, "That way we can match!"

River's face lit up brightly, "R-really!? I'd love to!"

Ruffling in their brown bag, the pins on it clanked loudly. A cat pin, an alien pin, a pin that had a blue boy and a pink girl(wink wink), a Whales flag pin, and a pin that read,'She/her'. After a few seconds, River pulled out a sharpie, signing Sonic's flag with a pretty signature.

The hedgehog smiled to the raccoon, "I love it! Good job!" he held a thumbs up.

Giving Sonic a quick hug, River raced back to her Mom who cheered her on for her bravery. Shadow grabbed Sonic's hand after a moment.

"That was cute of you babe." Shadow said in his normal tone. A hint of him trying to hide a smile could be heard though.

"It felt right." Sonic replied with a soft smile.


As they walked on, Button started to cry. Rouge picked up her baby and rocked him. It didn't help.

"Oh no~" she sighed, "I think I should go... He won't seem to calm down!"

"Noo! Don't go Rogue! Let me try to calm him down!" Amy suggested.

Rouge handed over her baby and Amy rocked him, singing. That only made the crying worse... Amy, felling defeated, handed Button back.

"Yeah, maybe you should go..." she whispered in disappointment and embarrassment. Did she really make a kid cry because of her singing? Rouge patted Amy on the back for her effort.

Sonic rushed over, "I can take a gander!"

With no other choice, Rouge handed over Button. She held her nails in-between her teeth as she watch Sonic, a reckless idiot, hold her baby. Why did she give him to that hedgehog..?

Sonic slowly cradled the baby, softly patting his bum as he hummed an old tune. It didn't take long for Button to stop crying and fall asleep. His friends watched in amazement as the baby sighed softly, sucking his thumb as he curled in Sonic's arms.

"Here ya go!" Sonic smiled, handing Button back to his mother who's jaw was dropped.

"Wow Sonic!" Tails said, "That was amazing!"

Sonic chuckled, "It'd nothing really... Helped you sleep when you had nightmares."

Tails blushed from embarrassment. Rouge thanked Sonic before they continued their walk. Shadow took Sonic's hand, a smile on his face.

"You know, you would be ana amazing father..."

Sonic blushed, "WHAT!?"

"You heard me." Shadow smirked.

The blue hedgehog took a second to think, "I mean... I am good with kids. And I wouldn't mind starting a family."

"I can make that happen." Shadow replied casually.

Sonic let out a flustered noise, "Stop that!" his face was red like a tomato.

Shadow shrugged before kissing Sonic on the cheek, "Let me know when you change your mind."

"I'll let you know after our wedding."


[Yeahhhh, HAPPY PRIDE MONTH EVERYONE🏳️‍🌈!! You all are so special in ur own ways; DON'T let ANYONE discriminate against who u are♥️]
[Shout-out to my fellow aroace peeps!!]

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